2. What #Manning Centre is actually funding is disinformation & propaganda campaigns, along with character assassination #GOP style attack ads. This isn’t “advocacy”. Especially given that a primary beneficiary is one of the wealthiest & most destructive forces in the planet....
3. ...the fossil fuel industry.

The other piece missing from the Manning Centre revelation is, who is funding the Manning Centre’s contributions to these 3rd party disinformation campaign networks?
Is there foreign funding going to Manning Centre?
#cdnpoli #elxn43 #StopScheer
5. Another piece of Manning Centre’s funding of 3rd party propaganda groups is the preponderance of foreign fake troll farm accounts that routinely show up in these “Proud” type groups on social media. They exclusively work to attack Trudeau & #LPC. What’s the connection?
7. More on what is epically suspect about #ManningCentre activities. Only last summer, MC declared it was ‘stepping back’ from advocacy work. Now today claims the Centre was merely doing “advocacy” in its secret funding of propaganda front-group networks. https://calgaryherald.com/news/politics/manning-centre-steps-back-from-conservative-advocacy-role
8. The Manning Centre was already funding 3rd party propaganda networks last summer while publicly claiming to be stepping away from what is calls “advocacy”. MC appeared to be in some financial difficulties. Now it has 100s of thousands to spend on front groups attacking #LPC?
9. An article from 2012 by Briony Penn, highlights the history of nefarious practices by the #ManningCentre as the article detailed ties exhibited between the MC, fossil fuel interests & the Harper #Robocalls scandal: http://focusonline.ca/?q=node/355  #cdnpoli
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