The Vegan Agenda: A theory
All of this research and theory is in progress. I am not here to debate the merits of veganism. I am not a scientist. I am not a doctor. None of this is health advice.
Please read this thread first:
Metal particles are pervasive in our environment - either through obvious sources like aluminum cans and glitter (‘aluminum metalized polyethylene terephthalate’) or "unproven" sources like chemtrails, which are thought to release barium and aluminum into the atmosphere.
Aluminum in particular mimics the behavior of a natural plant crystal called oxalates. What are oxalates?
Oxalates are razor-sharp crystals that plants use to protect themselves. The waxy mouth feel of raw spinach and kale is oxalate.
Oxalates BIND themselves to calcium, magnesium, and potassium, rendering these nutrients inert and wreaking all kinds of havoc in our body, especially for the digestively compromised.
Sally Norton explains in this video how oxalates work and how they can damage the gut lining and other organs:
The metals that enter our bodies need to be activated - we theorize via 5G waves, blue light from devices, sonic waves, magnets, or alkaline water. FleurBrun also theorizes that the alkalinity of the vegan diet activates the nanotek.
I just realized that FleurBrun put our interview back up on her YouTube, so watch this for context:
The idea that alkalinity activates nanotek is controversial at this point, as others believe that nanotek is *eliminated* from the body via an alkaline diet. I currently agree with FleurBrun based on my own dietary experience, which I'll share shortly.
I'd like to reiterate that I am not saying veganism is inherently good or bad. I'm saying there is an agenda behind its promotion.
These metal nano particles may bind to the minerals in our body how oxalates do, and turn into functioning and "bio-available" nanotek that can move throughout the body.
Here is a study explaining how "nanoporous aluminum oxide" works, including this bit about "Oxides capable of SELF-ASSEMBLING into nanoporous structures":
Last year I went on an animal-foods based diet (look up GAPS protocol, autoimmune diet, and carnivore diet) and shared my experience on an old twitter account.
I tracked in minute detail over several months how my body was responding, including the bizarre appearance of what looked like SPARKLES all over my body within a couple of weeks of this dietary change.
I took extensive videos and notes regarding this sparkling. It is a phenomenon known as oxalate dumping. The oxalates get stored in your tissues and bones, and when you stop eating oxalates, your body detoxes them through the skin, giving it a sparkly appearance.
Or was it oxalate? Maybe I was purging nanotek?
Earlier this year I searched for the thread to prepare for my appearance on FleurBrun's show and found that the ENTIRE thread had been deleted by twitter.

Why might twitter want this evidence erased?
Let's examine the relationship between tech, the military, and veganism:
Which is a spin-off of the company Ginkgo Bioworks, a biotech company started by a MIT alum:
Nestle is a Swiss company and has bases in 80 countries including China.
So Bezos (the owner of Amazon) appears to be financially in bed with BOTH vegan burger companies.
Nestle USA also has a partnership with Amazon Alexaa - the voice activated AI tool recently scrutinized for spying on customers.
Twitter is not letting me share the relevant link. I’ve tried to copy paste it 5x. Look up the article on IB Times dot com.
As they launch their own line of - you guessed it! Vegan burgers.
Disclaimer: As well as not being a doctor or scientist, I am also not a global political expert.

Nothing I say is intended to be read as anti-China. I scrutinize the US just as much as China and any other global power. As far as I can tell, Amazon and China are in bed together.
China is now the largest meat consumer in the world, FAR surpassing the US and EU in meat consumption, as well as eating an increasing amount of dairy.

I seem to be unable to add the graphs to this tweet, so please see the next tweet.
Twitter is blocking me from sharing the actual graph, which shows Ch*n*se meat consumption below the US and EU in the 80s and skyrocketing to twice the consumption of the US and EU in present day.
Look up “Meat Consumption in China, US, and EU” at chinapower dot csis dot org
China is currently a heavy presence in investing in and developing many African nations. And according to the Pew Research Center, by 2100, half of the 10 most populated countries in the world are in Africa. (India is first place, China second.)
Why wouldn't China produce meat on its own soil? There is apparently widespread public distrust about food safety, causing "residents to pay a premium for alternatives such as organic and imported foods" according to the same  article cited above.
Maybe that's part of why there is a big push for "grass fed" and "free range" products in the US animal foods industry.
To summarize, Big Tek may be promoting veganism to sell its highly profitable vegan burgers, to test nanoteknology on an unsuspecting public, and to lower the demand for meat in the US so that it can be shipped overseas to China and the countries China (Amazon?) is invested in.
This thread will be republished, along with more graphs and screenshots I was unable to include above, on my website , which is currently under renovation.
Should I continue the thread with the health aspects, and/or mind control and body snatching theories? Or is this enough 😏
Go watch the video linked in this thread (that twitter is trying to prevent me from sharing). Start it at 5:55. Ties possible financial collapse/ food shortage into this narrative 📌
I really need to do an expanded version of this thread, I’ve learned so much more since I first wrote it
Slash write the dang article already.

Another footnote:
Footnote/another thread:
Footnote: This video is a MUST watch for tying together sooo many of the lines of inquiry in my above thread of evidence & news I've been piecing together since March. The agenda is crystal clear 📌
Been saying! 📌
Been talking about pork and China for months now... linking and screenshotting this tweet in case it disappears📌
So today my bf asked me if I know what CRYPTOCHROME is 📌 metal particles in our eyes, whale brains, bird beaks that help us navigate
Putting this here as a reminder. Will follow up later
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