2. I'm going to give you EVERY #QDrop that pops up when searching Xuehua Edward Peng, all 41.

You're going to be convinced that Edward Snowden is about to become a VERY important person of interest in #ThePlan. I guarantee you! (Not every drop has Snowden in it!)
3. Remember, George H. W. Bush was the 41st president AND had ties to China. He was "Chief of the U.S. Liaison Office to the People's Republic of China" from September 1974 โ€“ December 1975. Bush continued his influence on China as Director of the ClA from 1976 - 1977.
4. Is it a coincidence that shortly after G.H.W. Bush left his post in China that President Carter surrendered the Panama Canal to Panama, knowing FULL WELL that China would be taking it over? And, is it any coincidence that deal with the Panama Canal, Bill Clinton and the...
5. ... #Democrat party started receiving illegal campaign contributions from China's billionaire Riady family company, Lippo Group? The Riadys were fined millions! This thread is an ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW about China, the Panama Canal and more. A MUST READ!

6. So, what's with Q lining up 41 drops to pop up off the name "Xuehua Edward Peng", and, how did Q know THAT name would pop up in the news, over 1.5 years after the first drop that WOULD surface from searching that name?
7. I'm including ALL of the drops that returned by using that name. I don't know for certain if they're ALL relevant to this arrest or to Snowden, so, giving them all to you.
8. We often wonder what's happening in "The Plan", we get frustrated and we say "HURRY UP!" Then, we come across gems like this. Hidden messages, buried in the drops, validating every single moment that we watch and wait..we're reminded of the military precision of this movement.
9. We've all come to associate Edward Snowden with being a traitor, having stolen and released information to our enemies. Is it ironic that his name comes up so many times after the arrest of a man who has now been arrested for espionage for doing the exact same thing?
10. Do you also notice just how many other issues Snowden is implicated in with all of these drops? Treason. Child sex trafficking. Criminal conspiracies. Cover ups. Illegal trading. Bribes. And now, resignations of a ton of congress, also associated with Snowden? (Split in two)
11. Q repeats the list of resignations. In fact, resignation lists are in several QDrops and they're often repetitive. Biggest takeaway? There's a lot of people resigning on short notice and without apparent cause. Many are resigning due to crimes. "The Plan", behind the scenes!
12. Aside from being caught in a trap, the man arrested for espionage was trading PRC money for classified information, then traveled to China to pass it off. This could also be a tell, it wasn't just proprietary information for economic gain. It was matters of national security.
13. As you can tell by the drops here some of these drops were so big I had to split them. On this drop that's the story again. I encourage you to look up each drop in http://Qmap.pub  if you can't read them clearly here. All time stamps here are Eastern Time.
14. This first screenshot goes with the last drop on the previous post. Like the previous post, this is another Q & A about Snowden. You should note, there are VERY FEW collections of Q and A in QDrops. Edward Snowden is VERY important and gets a LOT of Q's attention.
15. And, here it is, the final QDrop on Edward Snowden. With it, an 8chan notable timeline for all of us to consider.

When you're looking at these screen shots, if there's no yellow QDrop number in the corner then it is a split drop and the number is on the previous photo.
16. Edward Snowden is apparently involved with NUMEROUS issues facing investigation right now. Nearly every major criminal activity that PATRIOTS want to see justice for, Snowden has been implicated in. That begs to question, why?

What was Snowden doing with all those secrets?
17. I find it odd that Q asked Snowden, "Parades or Restraints"? Is there really an option? If so, to what extent?

The last drop that popped up in this search is 3024 - March 11th, 2019 @ at 1248 hrs. The first was 526 - January 13, 2018 @ 2251 hrs.

That's roughly 422 days.
18. It's been 203 days since the last Q drop in this search.

Not ALL QDrops that include Snowden populated in this search. There are 61 drops that pop up when searching "Snowden" on QMap.

Why did only 41 drops populate in this search, and why are they almost all about Snowden?
19. In drop 770, mentioned in this thread, Q gives Snowden a dire warning:

">James Dolan. Dead suicide
>Aaron swartz. Dead suicide
>Kevin Paulson. Turned over securedrop to Freedom of the Press
John Perry Barlow - 187 post name [DROP].
You are now a liability.
20. Was Q extending a possible lifeline to Snowden in 770? Or, was it simply stating fact?

I'll be continuing through the drops listed here to try and find connections. Please feel free to comment and to point out anything YOU see connected.

God bless y'all!


- End
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