I often post my dynasty trades on here regardless of feedback (good or bad) in order to share the strategy behind the moves. I also discuss rebuilds & the focus/energy/strategy involved. Working on one now – so I’d thought I’d walk thru the progress w/you all as this one unfolds.
Context. Adopted this squad in ’07 - worst roster I’d ever witnessed. Rebuilt it, winning 6 consecutive titles ('11-'16) plus 3rd in '17 & 2nd last year, but my core is aging/nearing a cliff. Tried reloading on the fly, but limping out of the gate this year forced some urgency.
Self-reflection, process/strategy critiquing & honest roster evaluation are keys to improving as a dynasty owner. So is enjoying the roster you manage. I potentially could’ve stretched out a bit more success w/this roster, but it was stale & a house of cards. Time to reenergize.
Opening day roster:
QB - Brees/Trubisky
RB - Guice, Carson, J. Jackson, J. Richard, P. Barber
WR - Julio, AB, AJG, Adams, Ridley, Pettis, DJ Chark, Parris Campbell, P. Williams, Keke
TE - Kelce, Irv Jr.
'20 1st, '20 2nd, '20 3rd
So here are the moves so far…..


Gave - AB, Jordan Howard, D. Pettis, '20 3rd
Got - Corey Davis, C. Sutton, R. Jones, '20 2nd
Capitalized on AB's big week 2 with the Patriots & while quite a few folks on Twitter really didn't like this move at the time, hindsight proves it was the right sell window. Happy w/the return & first chess move in this rebuild.

Gave – Brees, C. Carson, C. Hyde, AJG, Kelce

Got – T. Coleman, T. Pollard, DJ Moore, C. Herndon, Ogunbowale, ’20 1st & ’20 2nd
This one will cause some agita for folks. Look, I hated moving Kelce, but wanted to land DJ Moore & two more "20 picks. AJG has a question marked future & Carson will be a forgotten name in the RB revolving door by the end of '20. The time to cash out on both felt right.
I'll also soapbox my #brand. Knowing ur leaguemates matters. It's easy for folks to say "you should've gotten more value"....but leagues have their own identities, activity levels & trade catalysts. Sometimes selling short to get your targets is a necessary evil & long term gain.
My roster now:
QB - Trubisky, Danny Dimes (waivers)
RB - T. Coleman, Barber, Guice, R. Jones, Mostart, T.Pollard & J. Jackson
WR - Julio, Adams, Ridley, DJ Moore, Sutton, C. Davis, P. Campbell, Chark, P. Williams
TE - Herndon, Irv Jr.
Two '20 1sts, three '20 2nds.
Next on the agenda is to sell Julio. I tried a few offers already....but to no avail.
Julio for Godwin, 2nd (contender)
Julio for DK Metcalf/1st (contender)
Julio for Diggs/1st (contender who could easily win it all w/Julio).
I'll keep adding trades/reasons/strategy to this thread as the season unfolds. I'll also post any value waiver adds here too. Figured some on here contemplating rebuilds might find it interesting to take a twisted journey with me while I flip this roster in real time. Cheers.
So I stated I'll keep adding to this rebuild thread as I work on flipping this roster. Completed the 3rd major deal tonight moving Julio.
Gave - T. Coleman, Julio, C. Herndon, '20 2nd (likely late)
Got - Miles Sanders, JJAW, D. Knox, '20 1st (mid to late)
My roster now:
QB - Trubisky, Danny Dimes
RB - Miles Sanders, Guice, R. Jones, P. Barber, Mostart, T.Pollard, J. Hillman & J. Jackson
WR - Adams, Ridley, DJ Moore, Sutton, C. Davis, P. Campbell, DJ Chark, Preston Williams & JJAW
TE - Knox, Irv Jr.
Three 20 1sts, two '20 2nds.
From a rebuilding perspective I see this last deal like this:
Julio for Sanders/1st makes sense especially since I wasn't getting much interest. Happy w/that return.
Moving Coleman/Herndon/2nd for JJaw/Knox probably a loss, but digestible to get the deal done.
I'm comfortable navigating what I refer to as "net/net neutral" deals. Levers I can pull even at a slight loss to get the players I want long term...or even players I can flip short term. I got over the "have to win every trade" mentality years ago. That thinking is a shackle.
Down to my last few blind bid dollars, I was still able to add Zay Jones & Duke Williams (dropped Mostert & J. Hilliman) to this rebuild. Waiver wire churns matter when rebuilding even if just for additional trade enticements.
Small 22 man rosters makes mining the wire a must w/talent to churn. Swapped out Justin Jackson for Foster Moreau yesterday giving me Dawson Know, Irv Jr & Moreau as my TE trio moving forward on this rebuild.
Rebuild update: 4-9. Final roster:
QB-D. Jones, Trubisky, D. Lock
RB-Guice, M. Sanders, R. Jones, T. Pollard, P. Barber
WR-D. Adams, DJ Moore, Sutton, C. Ridley, Chark, C. Davis, P. Campbell, JJaw & P. Williams
TE-Knox, Moreau, Smith JR, Hollister
1.04, 1.06 & a late 1st (TBD)
so updating/adding to this rebuild thread I started last September. Made a sweet deal a week ago.
Gave - Preston Williams/2.09
Got - Darrell Henderson/3.01
Received an offer this morning.
Give - D. Lock, R. Jones, M. Sanders, DJ Chark, C. Ridley, Irv Smith & 1.04
Get - D. Brees, L. Fournette, M. Gordon, J. Edelman, Z. Pascal, J. Cook & Z. Ertz.

Lots of noise...easy pass. Sticking to the blueprint....liking this roster a lot.
Continuing this rebuild thread that I started last September to talk thru strategy.
Made a deal this morning as my rebuild is morphing to major competitor.

Gave - 1.04, 1.06, 1.09, 2.04
Got - Saquon, ARob, 3.04
Continuing this rebuild thread....just wrapped up the draft for this league. After trading for Saquon/ARob I had two picks left - 3.01 & 3.04.

3.01 - Bryan Edwards
3.04 - Van Jefferson
Current roster (6/20/20)

QB - D. Jones, D. Lock, Trubisky
RB - Saquon, M. Sanders, Guice, R. Jones, T. Pollard, D. Henderson
WR - D. Adams, ARob, DJ Moore, C. Ridley, DJ Chark, C. Sutton, C. Davis, P. Campbell, JJaw, B. Edwards & Van Jefferson
TE - Irv Smith Jr & D. Knox
Self evaluation matters & identifying weakness in your own strategies is a key to improving as a dynasty owner (and in life quite honestly). In hindsight, I made 2 deals over the past year building this squad that bother me and that I can learn from.
First, I dropped Mostert (week 5). Should've anticipated the potential usage spike in that backfield/with that coaching staff & held 4 trade bait down the stretch. 2ndly I flipped Preston Williams in March for D. Henderson. I know better then to execute a WR/RB flip be4 the draft
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