Earth is a light hole. Not a planet ball and not a pizza pie either. An inter dimensional fractal light hole vortex. This is what Earth really looks like and feels.
Like a toilet bowl being flushed but made of light energy. As it gets flushed we call that the floods But It's not floods its a drain. Also the sky must drop or fall that's why we get all those perfect cut mesas and older trees. I bet during this phase of a frequency shift!
During the frequency & dimensional shift larger pixels remain in realm. That's why we can see the titan remains clearly in this dimension from the last dimensional shift. It's a clue for us to never forget. And just like that, this time dimension will also be turned into stone.
I'm feeling like 2020 will be the year for a bigger than normal frequency shift and every one will need 20-20 vision to see and feel it. That's why they say 2020 is perfect vision when that's actually an inferior scale. Why not 100-100 vision. Why the 20-20 . hmmmmm
The"Sky will fall" & the entire realm will be cut down to our ankles.When the next humans come into this realm our dead bodies will be the mountains the new smaller pixel humans live on.We'll become the large pixel remains of the new Tech Humans.Vortex that 5th Dimension of self.
See that perfect cut across the entire realm? Looks like compelling evidence we should consider. Yes it's way out of box thinking but that's what I do!!
Just came up w/added idea. What if the water drains&sky falls for a fractal environment where we keep becoming more people &smaller. What if vortex can reverse where we reverse fractal &move towards oneness? Water rises and sky rises. What if we determine the direction of vortex?
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