That kids with “formula on the floor” tweet reminded of something.

I find it strange that some kids are given copious amounts of formula (or even milk) after age 1.. Like up to 6 bottles a day.

250-300ml of milk, even full cream cows milk(if no health issues with it) is enough.
An average big bottle size is 250ml. Anything >2 of those is excessive. Imagine giving 4-6.. that 1L to 1,5L of milk for someone who weighs about 10-13kg.

Also, kids over 1yr should NOT be using a bottle with a teat. Start encouraging sippy cups early (+/- 9mo) & open cup by 1yr
Milk is primary nutrition at birth, & should be reduced as more and more food is added. Solids are generally started from average 6months, but some people start at 4mo to introduce food.

Please wean according to your baby’s needs, See dr / dietician if in doubt how to proceed.
So a toddler on full 3meals/day, some with snacks doesn’t need 4-6 bottles of milk a day.

This usually happens due to parents who let kids dictate to them what they want:
1. “s/he cries for milk”..
2. “can’t / won’t sleep without the milk”..
3.”kid wakes up wanting bottle”
A child is taught habits. And if you as a parent doesn’t teach them early & simply lets them run their own lives you will end up in this situation.

& worse, this is not good for them.. some kids end up being lazy to chew.. why should they if they can just drink their nutrients?
Chewing is important for speech - helps develop the necessary muscles to speak.

Also, constantly sucking on a bottle is bad for oral health - hello tooth decay. Yes child will lose the baby teeth later, but the rot can affect the root of the adult teeth in future.
The amount of sugars in formula is appropriate for a small growing baby’s needs &for easy digestion...
but the extra calories can lead to weight issues in bigger kids as they also take in other calories frm food.

Obesity can lead to medical conditns (asthma, diabetes etc)in kids
There is no need to be putting formula on the budget (esp. if you can’t afford) for a child >1yr.

Don’t feel guilty, you’re not robbing your child of anything special/ necessary.

Just feed your kid a balanced diet of grains & fats & protein & they’ll grow up just fine.
Many people don’t realize that malnutrition isn’t only the lack of nutrients, but also an excess (Overfeeding) is bad.

So break those bad habits sooner rather that later, regardless of what your child “is used to”.

Do better by your child & actually be the parent to them. 😇
Lastly, babies don’t need fruit juice. It’s full of sugar &it’s acidic. It affects their appetite, upsets their gut lining& can cause runny stool; & causes tooth decay.

Older kids also don’t need that much sugar either. Dilute juice frm the get go so they’re used to it like that
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