Let's talk #HIV and #Stigma
In order to #endHIVstigma education is needed so here is a little thread. Please share.
1. HIV doesn't only affect men who sleep with men. HIV can happen to anyone, regardless of gender, age, sexuality or race 1/n
2. If someone is living with HIV, it doesn't mean they have been sleeping around or a are a slut.
HIV can be transmitted during a single episode of sex without a condom
3. A person on effective treatment becomes undetectable. This is when the virus is fully supressed in the body.
When undetectable, the risk of transmission is zero. Undetectedable = Untransmittable. There are scientific studies to prove this
#UequalsU #CantPassItOn
HIV and AIDS are not the same thing. HIV is a virus that attacks the immune system. AIDS is a collection of opportunist infections that occur when the immune system has been severely damaged. Anti Retroviral (ARV) medication stops HIV attacking the immune system
A person living with HIV isn't going to die early. On treatment they will live a normal life. In fact they may live longer; regular checkups mean any issues or health warnings are detected early and so can be remedied in early stages
Most new HIV transmissions occur because an individual has never taken a test, and has undiagnosed HIV. #getTested #stayHealthy.
Look after your sexual health, don't be afraid to ask a new sexual partner their HIV status and when they last tested. Test regularly
HIV isn't transmitted by saliva, kissing, touching, hugging, sharing food, sharing a toilet seat or sharing a bath. Insects and pets can't transmit HIV
Effective medication and treatments mean that a HIV+ mother can give birth to a HIV negative baby. A HIV+ father on treatment and undetectable can't transmit either.
A person living with HIV isn't suffering or a victim.They are not HIV. (People say this! "Oh your HIV" 😐you wouldn't tell a cancer patient they are cancer
Don't use clean to refer to a HIV- person.Having HIV doesn't mean I'm dirty.I wash daily. Sometimes twice
- How did you get it?
- You don't look HIV+
-Are you gonna die?
- Can you have sex?
-Can you still (name activity)
- Who gave it to you?
- Do you sleep around?
- I'm sorry 🤬

Share, contribute, ask questions, add any resources or activists that I missed.

If you're living with HIV and need a chat, my DMs are open. If you have questions please ask.

Thanks for indulging me

You can follow @poz_str8.
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