Nature writing is pretty white, but there are amazing works by writers of colour too!
Jessica J Lee’s books on wild swimming and the landscape of Taiwan
The Grassling by Elizabeth-Jane Burnett, just out this year, and stunning
In the UK, Mya-Rose Craig writes about birding, diversity and racism in environmentalism. She also runs camps to connect VME youth with nature & advises conservation charities on diversity @BirdgirlUK 
Also the Out of Bounds Anthology, focusing on place based poems outside of cities by BAME writers in the UK, much of which is nature writing
Organisations like Backbone in Scotland tackle obstacles that local communities face getting to national parks - and if nature writing is going to diversify, its through tackling the racism of publishing AND nature access in ways like this 
Writers and organisations to follow: @ZakiyaMedia @ejbpoetry @WillowherbRvw @jessicajlee @BirdgirlUK also publishers like @peepaltreepress @dialoguebooks & @the87press which foreground works by woc & other marginalised voices
And if we’re getting into novels that’s a whole other thread but I have recommendations for days (Bessie Head! Octavia Butler! Ruth Ozeki! Amitav Ghosh! Karen Tei Yamashita!)
And the Write Now diversity in publishing scheme has supported nature writers in the past - it opens again in 2020 🌱🖊
Amberflora Zine publishes eco poetry from around the world, & is breaking new ground every issue both in the poetry it publishes & the voices it shares @amberflorazine 
Anna Tsing is really an anthropologist and theorist but you could totally read ‘The Mushroom at the End of the World’ as nature writing. It also happens to be mind-blowingly good
Lots of nature writing is also about the countryside and its traditions. Listen to Lila Matsumoto on watching the Abbots Bromley Horn Dance in Staffordshire
Then there’s ‘Black Men Walking’, a play by Testament based on a northern English hiking group 🥾
Something to look forward to next year, Jini Reddy’s next book ‘Wanderland’ a nature memoir from Bloomsbury. And out now, ‘Wild Times’. @Jini_Reddy 
Braiding Sweetgrass - reflections on botany & indigenous science from Robin Wall Kimmerer of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation - helps to turn what you think you know about nature upside down (thanks to @AnnaVeriani for reminding me of RWK’s wonderful work!)
You can follow @samlwalton.
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