Be patient &stick with me...

1)A "pet" is a sex slave who is a young child

Obama had a "pet" & her name was Maggie Nixon

Here they are on Martha’s Vineyard

Obama is seen quite often w/a bandaid on his left middle finger

Even when he was w/little Maggie Nixon
2) Maggie Nixon was the grand daughter of Agnes Nixon, creator of All My Children & more

Maggie is also the daughter of Sarah Nixon, who is good buds w/ comet ping pong’s James Alefantis

Maggies mother keeps the company of many Elite and powerful

Alefantis is a real peach
3) Besides Obama, Little Maggie Nixon spent her summers in Martha's Vineyard w/many elite, celebrities, politicians, & artists

The Island of Martha's vineyard is a private, secluded, playground for the rich & powerful

Clintons, Handler, and yes even Prince Andrew to name a few
4) Maggie's mother, Sarah, has an instagram. The IG handle is 3_ringcircus

Much of the information in this thread was grabbed by citizen journalists from her IG account until she was exposed & put her account on private

Some of Sarah’s IG photos were taken on Squibnocket
5) Here is Little Maggie Nixon with her friends at Squibnocket. They visited often

Pictured in this photo is Romy& Cassie David-daughters of Larry David, Hollywood elite.

According to Romy's IG account(also since changed to private)they all went to Martha’s vineyard often
6) Per the now deleted IG account,the photo of the girls w/the bandana tops was taken by Jennifer Joanou

Joanou has VERY disturbing artwork filled w/butterflies,MKultra symbology,demons,& young girls

The bare girl in the bath tub looks like the littlest girl in the bandana pic
7) These little girls were..

Surrounded by parents who kept the company of pedophiles

Surrounded by the elite, politicians, and celebrities

Photographed by a disturbing artist

Went to an elite private island often

Chances are those trips were not all just for fun
8) Here are the same bandana girls a yr or so earlier with their parents

Besides the bandaid on Maggie’s mom’s finger, the little boy doing the eye of Horus hand symbol, & the comment of “it takes a village”(where have we heard that..Hillary?)

Why is Levar Burton in this pic?
9)Levar Burton was the host& executive producer of Reading Rainbow which:

Ran for 26 years making it
one of the longest running kid’s program on PBS

Won over 250 awards including 26 Emmys

And Burton himself won 12 Emmy Awards as host&producer of the show

10) Reading rainbow was made possible by a few grants and supporters.

One was Pew Charitable Trusts

Who is the Senior Vice President of Pew Charitable Trusts?

None other than Tamera Luzzato

She served as Hilary Clinton’s Chief of Staff

She’s also WikiLeaks famous....
11)Luzzatto is the woman who was exposed in the Podesta WikiLeak emails for having her kids brought by uber to a “pool party” at “the Farm” as “entertainment”

She also had a blog named Evie’s Crib that you could subscribe to to & spend time w/her baby Evie “online,raw,& uncut”
12) Now, anyone who has researched Project Monarch Programing has learned basic 101 imagery

Two main images that are associated w/the brutal programming are butterflies& black &white checkered floor

Interesting that that Levar Burton starts his show with butterflies & B&W floor
13) We also know that Monarch Programming was specifically for child sex slaves.

A big part of programming is songs and movies


A popular song or movie is played during the brutalization part of the programming so every time the child hears or sees it they stay in check
14)The program brutalization is done to:

Disney imagery& songs

Somewhere over the Rainbow
(Hence Reading “Rainbow”)

Alice in wonderland

Rabbits (Easter bunny)

Every time these poor children see a Mikey ear sticker, Easter Bunny, or a rainbow their programming is enforced
15)Almost every classroom across America watched Reading Rainbow daily

Its estimated 11M students per week

That’s a lot of kids

I taught 1st gr. As soon as this song came on,all my kids would sing it. It was almost hypnotic

Notice EVERY clip in this org. intro has a butterfly
16) There are children in EVERY state...& one would argue EVERY county who have been victims of monarch programming

They go to school like every other child but are usually programmed during school holidays & summer vacations

This is open source & many have told their stories
17) So we have a series (made possible by a Trust whose VP farms out her children & is Hilary’s right hand woman)that was shown everyday to kids w/a host/producer who has an uncanny amt of prestige,hangs out w/ children who’s parents are elite& believed to have sex slave children
18)W/these connections one must wonder the hidden intent of Reading Rainbow

With the viewing of this show in school every single day across the country,the programming of any victimized child would be easily enforced

If this is true, these poor children never had a chance

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