Learning to swim had never felt very important growing up in Arizona. Sitting on a plank, surrounded by literal sharks, Steve regretted many of his life choices.
The birds seemed content, happily pecking away at their food. Now that they were getting closer to his liver, Tityos felt less jovial #vss365
The moon was bright and silent, its reflection barely rippling as the bodies slipped deeper towards the riverbed.
The Devil descended from the rafters. His nostrils flared like bottomless wells and his eyes were voids filled with anger. I could smell pain in his sweat as he leaned closer:
"I. Do not. APPROVE. Of. This. Carpet. Karen."
The fox ran across the snowbanks, tea cup firmly clutched between its teeth.
"Mr Fox, wait for me! Where are you rushing!?" Shouted Alice.
"Private affair, dear child! WIP only. Sorry!" Mr Fox replied, disappearing into the snow.
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse, after they burned down the house.
"I've never really paid much attention to peoples' eye color," she said, looking a little uncomfortable.
"No?" He smiled.
"Yeah, if you look too hard, you might see their soul and how they die and no one really wants to know that stuff on a first date, right?"
"Little ghost, what are you doing here?" she picked up the dark, swirling wisp off the floor and held it in her palm.
"I'm Death! I've come to claim you!" it beeped.
"But you're so tiny?!"
"So I don't scare you. Come, we have many adventures ahead ☺️"
Bananas ripened earlier that year in spite of, or maybe because of, the flood. For a few brief days they were a sweet, distended feast for the flies. The fourth day the bananas turned black, their tips cracked and turgid feelers pushed out from under the skin.
The 50ft woman soon discovered a lot of people enjoyed being stepped on
The half-filled tax forms on Karen's desk felt like a bad joke now. Karen quickly glanced back at them, feeling a strange sense of relief as she was dragged up towards the tripods gaping maw. She heard a distant crunching sound as it stepped on the remains of her house.
The only way to get Elvis to leave the building after The Incident, was luring him with a trail of peanutbuttered brains
By nightfall, the worms started moving under his skin again
Travis could swear the mountains were moving. No matter how fast he ran, they'd always be just behind another hill and he'd be no closer to them than when he started.
In the morning, he woke up surrounded by them. One had parked itself on his foot.
"You'll never take me alive, copper!" grandma yelled riding the bull out the barn doors.
She fumbled in the darkness, feeling for strands of her hair that had spread out over the building, and were wiggling their way through drain pipes and neighbors' veins
"So you're a bad guy, eh?"
"That's what my business card says. Been professional since 1249. My rates accurately reflect my experience, though if you have additional perks with the project, I'm sure we can negotiate a deal."
The city had been burning since the morning and by night, it still wasn't done, for the city was vast and the fire had a lot more places to go
Her hair started as firework and fizzled out as the night sky. Pink clouds shaded her cheeks. The goddess sat up, smiling as her hips crushed mountains under them:
"It is a good day to create new."
She stretched her arms and vultures and vine fell from between her fingers
The school bus stopped at the curb. It let out a friendly sigh as the doors opened. Giggling and nervous children climbed in.

A crunch. A gurgle. A wet smack.

The school bus drove off to find another snack.

The nights were never dark anymore. Ever since the second sun had appeared in the sky, there were no sunsets, no shadows, no breaks that punctuated the 24 hours. The world was filled with a constant go go go and terrible new creatures.
"If you're going to write about the murder, you're going to have to write about the non-murder too," he said, chewing on his bare upper lip.
"For the sake of balance."
"But. But there's nothing there?"
"Non-murdered people are important too! Both sides!"
All the blood was now on the floor.
"Uh... don't you usually use bags?" I mumbled as more and more blood trickled out of me.
"Oh, we don't like calling donors that. They feel it's dehumanizing," the nurse smiled at me.
There was something unsettling about her smile.
The train doors hissed as they closed. She smiled to herself wryly. Snakes hissing at her, she though, snakes she was leaving standing on the platform. Snakes shouting impotently she had no right. She was ugly anyway. No one would love her the way they did.
It was a particularly cold Tuesday morning in space, when space cadet Watkins lost his lucky socks
The sky turned dark as the feathers from falling angels blocked out the sun
"Yes, a very fine piece of writing," the vampire said taking his glasses off. He set the letter on the table.
"Do... do you really need those?" she asked making a circular motion over her eyes.
"... My dear," the vampire glared at her, "this is a whole look."
There was a bare tree in an iron cage in the middle of the market. A crowd had gathered around it.
"See, the last leaf is about to drop," a mother whispered to her son. "Then we'll be free!"
"There's no more of them?" he looked up.
"No, no more ents anywhere!" she smiled.
Their love was sweet and salty. Like a bowl of milk tinged with drops of blood. Every year the balance seemed to shift a little, until there was no more milk in the bowl at all.
The trains would pass each other at the same time, in the same place, every day, the passangers never noticing their pale and decaying doppelgangers in the car heading the other way
Between the blades of grass, bare bones were sprouting from the ground, itching to mature for the autumnal skeleton war
The coffee was very bitter the morning John got the divorce papers.
"Did you cry in the coffee again?" he glowered at Susan.
"No. I haven't cried in it for a while now." Her eyes were clear. "But I'm glad you drank it all so I don't have to go through with the divorce."
"I think there's been a mistake"
"You don't think you belong in Hell?" the receptionist smiled.
"I was a stock broker, so probably," he shrugged. "But I wasn't a raccoon," he wringed his furry little paws.
Having learned from old stories, the guards looked the gift horse in the mouth, but found nothing but gears and electronics. They wheeled the robot in, not considering robots would be the ones to win this war.
"Alice," the demon looked down on the little girl holding a teacup. "Please don't make me eat any more worms."
Even after being pushed out of the airlock, Steve wasn't convinced. "IT DOESN'T LOOK LIKE A SPHERE TO ME!" he shouted at the spaceship shrinking in the distance, as he dove into Earth's atmosphere
"Was I good?" the tiny bones rattled in her hand.
"You were good," Moira smiled at them.
"Will it be scary?" the bones rattled.
"No. It will be wonderful. You can go now."
The little bones shivered in Moira's hand, then lay still. She buried them under a conifer tree.
John reached for his hand. His fingers had grown odd. "It's ok, I'll be here with you. And I'll still be here in the morning."
The bear let out an approving growl and sat there next to John until the Moon passed below the horizon and his hide turned man again
"We've been over this a dozen times, Agnes," Death said.
"You can't make me leave Disneyland!" she pouted.
"Technically no, but look, all your friends and family are waiting for you on the other side."
She gave Death a look.
"Ok fine, that was a lie, they're not waiting."
"Sssssign the dotted line, and you won't ssssee me again." The faceless creature tapped on the clip board.
"What'll happen if I do?" John said, his shirt damp with sweat and heart pounding with fear.
"You won't sssseee me."
"That'sssss it," it tilted its head.
When the gate opened, the great beasts returned to wander the Earth. For a moment. It soon became clear that there was nothing here enough for them to eat save each other, and soon the coast lines were shaped anew with luminescent skulls and spines visible from the orbit
I rested my head against my hand on the table and watched as my body shuffled off to find a needle and thread for reattaching
If you are stuck on an underground platform after midnight, stay calm. The snakes in grouting will come alive, but they don't care about human meat. The signs will point to places long dead. Don't follow them. Don't board the first cart, that's for creatures with hooves.
His face was peeling.
With the torch in one hand and her nimble fingers working quickly, it soon came off entirely, not leaving much blood on her hands. She folded it open like butterfly's wings, attached it to the lightbox with little silver pins
The king had decided on two alternative methods of execution: for petty crimes a sharp kick to the head with a spiked boot. A sting for a sting, he said.
For crimes that hurt the kingdom, a slow death, living day by day working for their debt, until old age took them.
The concert had been going really well until the living T-Rex props got loose and attacked the guitarist, making him drop the bass
The murderer grinned at the officer, holding out his hands expectantly.
"Take 'em off, coward. You lost," he smirked.
The crowd started booing as the shackles came off. The case was lost on a technicality, everyone had seen it.
"Hey now, don't be mean!" a lawyer shouted.
Another day and another new cat was sitting on his porch, with another human body part in its mouth. Every day the same routine. Jake didn't know what to do anymore. He'd taken the first few to the police, but they just kept coming and his freezer was full now
"Most vampires don't last very long," he sighed, looking forlorn.
"Oh? Vampire hunters? Ethical concerns over food?"
"Wh-," the vampire started. "Oh no. It's the repetition. Humans get tired of repeating their mistakes in 40 years. Imagine 100? 1000 years of taxes?"
"No, I'm not cleaning after you anymore." She dropped the rag in the bucket. "This is your blood."
She dipped her finger in the dark red pool under the body and drew a circle.
A hushed word, a silent command. The body sat up.
"Clean this up," she charged the corpse

No one knew where cities had come from, or why. One day they just appeared everywhere; sleek and inviting, tables heavy with food. So people moved in. With more people, the cities grew larger.

No one thought what would happen when there was no more room for them to grow.
She had butterflies in her stomach every time she saw him. They'd flutter and poke, and their reedy insect legs would stick to her stomach lining as they tried forcing their way out. She chewed them back like cud, but the taste of wings would linger. Was this love?
The pistols lay on the ground, the duelists cold next to them. Villagers were starting to emerge from the surrounding woods, holstering their weapons and nodding to each other. Had the foolish aristocrats missed each other, the people would've been ready to finish the job
"Do you think it's possible to communicate with an parallel universe through the oven?"
"... no. No, I don't think you should be able to communicate with anything through the oven."
"Oh. What if it talks to you first?"
"Don't believe what it tells you."
The hauntings and murders stopped once the opera installed their new 5G wifi.
"I can't stay. Baby it's cold in here." Her fingers fumbled in the dark and hit something hard.
"I gotta get away. Baby?" The satin was smooth against her palms but the wooden lid behind it wouldn't budge.
"Baby, let me out!"
The earth swallowed all sounds from the casket
"Private Barks!" the general growled. The solders jumped in line. "Your armor is ass-backwards!"
Barks looked down on his privates hanging out from his armor. "It's...?"
I misspelled "soldier" twice.
F*ck it. It's staying up. Character limit and all that
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