Going to start a thread of unappreciated films that might not be to your taste which I enjoyed & will give reason me for:
John Carter Of Mars (2012) - it was never going to have an easy time of it - a troublesome original narrative about the civil war retold on a Mars we know too much about now. I found it a rip roaring, amusing & at times quite emotive film. A cross between Conan, Dune & Star Wars
Silent Hill (2006) - horror film based on a video game franchise. It’s freakish ghouls, nightmare special effects & dark storyline - in fact made it a very gripping film. Even has Sean Bean in it.
The Ritual (2017) - I’ve plugged this a few times but it’s currently on Netflix. Classic horror in the woods stuff but with nods to dark gods & a more compelling subtext about coming to terms with tragedy. Really a decent horror watch.
Savaged (Also known as Avenged -2013) - yes it’s a redsploitation horror movie - but I approached this gory horror revenge as if it was almost a lateral film to something like the crow. Also a deaf female lead made this film stand out to me as well as the ending twist.
Spectral (2017 Netflix) - real surprise to me - military scifi horror action film-
With a moral twist at end. About spectres killing special forces in Eastern Europe. The plot is bonkers, but just about linked to science. Really a good watch if military scifi is your thing.
Gangs Of New York (2002) - under appreciated you say? Well this was showered with awards at time - whilst it’s a historically inaccurate film this is a star studded fascinating look at America in context. It resonates even louder these days so deserving of another viewing.
Daniel Day Lewis is exceptional as Bill Cutting. Acted poor little DiCaprio almost off the screen at times. Cameron Diaz puts a good turn in & the supporting cast are all eye catching.
Watchmen: this film is either tedious holywoodism of a troubling comic or a decent interpretation of the original. I found it a decent film, taking the core ideas & not being afraid to juxtapose the ‘superhero’ morality against the good of the many.
The film asks a lot of its viewer, but visually & dramatically its a treat.
Upgrade (2018)
A true cyberpunk film - this is action splices with futureshocks & Honestly the ending still haunts me. Really is a film you go back to imho with a cast of relative unknowns. Not for the faint hearted.
Creep (2015) - a film I staggered across on Netflix - which I enjoyed so much I went on to watch sequel. Found footage horror/slasher with a dark sense of humour. The sense of trepidation as you take the journey with the characters & the camera approach really draws you in.
The Infiltrator (2016) - this deserved far more attention than it got. Bryan Cranston plays a Federal agent infiltrating the Colombian drugworld. Nail biting crime thriller. Really really a watchable film.
No Escape (2015) - didn’t think I would recommend an Owen Wilson movie, yet this taught thriller about a family trapped in a country in civil turmoil had me chewing my nails. Pierce Brosnan also appears. Oddly it seems to have been accused of racism despite a nuanced plot.
Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai (1999) - Forest Whitaker stars in this odd little hitman movie. Think Leon without the peado undertones & a strong play by Whitaker. A hitman who works by the samurai code to a feckless mafia boss. Really good watch.
The Endless (2017) - doing the rounds on Netflix - it’s a no star odd sci-fi movie about paradox & decisions. It’s central theme, about becoming trapped in loops in time - works well in the broader context of looking back at your past & reliving it. If you like quirky, this is it
Don’t Be Afraid Of The Dark (2010) written by Guillermo Del Toro & starring Guy Pearce & Katie Holmes this haunted house horror will have you squirming. It’s cross between a fairy tale & horror - if you like Del Toros work this will sit well with you. Just don’t watch in the dark
Byzantium (2012) - A vampire horror with Gemma Arterton & Saoirse Ronan. It tells a tale across time of vampires trying to exist whilst not revealing themselves. It’s a chilling tale with dark twists along the way.
Predator 2 - often overlooked in the series in my opinion- I thought it wedged itself into series well & gave us more insight into the stabby trophy hunting aliens.
Danny Glover does his thing really well & the story has great action & twists. It’s full on, it’s bloody. It’s good
Chappie (2015) - most of the criticism I saw levelled at this film revolved around SA accents & Hugh Jackmans hair; I found this movie a rare, unusual, thoughtful bit of dystopian sci-fi. Chappie is from same stable as District 9 - love that, love this. Enjoyed it a lot.
Dogma (1999) - Holy crap this film is now older than some of my followers. However, I cannot recommend this offbeat, star studded comedy enough. 2 Angels exiled from heaven are draw into a demons plot to end the universe because of gods infallibility. No really, it’s a comedy.
Ronin (1998) - with a great cast (DeNiro amongst many others) I was surprised at the lukewarm reception this film got. A spy-crime thriller where a group of Mercs/former agents are brought together to steal a valuable item & no one can be trusted. Car chases alone are worth it.
The Accountant (2016) - I am doubtful of Ben Afflecks acting but he really carries this dark thriller about a ‘special accountant’ who makes happens to be a hitman. Honestly a surprising film, currently on Netflix (UK).
Lawless (2012) - unusual for me to recommend a Sheep LeBoff film but this prohibition era Virginia passed lot of folk by. Tom Hardy plays a slightly mumbly criminal moonshine brother against the backdrop of local feuds against gangs & law. Violent, dark & yet touching at times.
This is also on Netflix at the moment - forgive its slow start pacing as it builds up steam.
Dead Mans Shoes (2004) - a wrought, tightly filmed Shane Meadows movie that defies labels. Horror? Slasher? Social commentary? I can tell you Paddy Considine drives the narrative of this intense movie about a British soldier returning to his bleak hometown to avenge his brother
Eastern Promises (2007) - an astonishing, harsh film by Cronenberg about the death of young girl & links to the Russian Mafia. Viggo Mortensen does a turn as a gangster & Naomi Watts as a nurse asking too many questions.
This movie is hard, however it’s a taut thriller
Solomon Kane (2009) - James Purefoy, a personal favourite of mine, puts in a scene chewing turn as the Cornish fallen noble seeking redemption in an England plagued by the devil. With a great supporting cast, this film is a mix of swashbuckling action & horror with Catholic tones
Wind River (2017) - first saw this on Netflix & was impressed - it’s on Film4 tonight at 9. A murder draws in a local tracker along with a rookie Fed into a reservation to investigate & events take a turn. Real tense moments & heart breaking at same time. Even if it is Renner.
Once Were Warriors (1994) - upfront I am going to warn you this film is a story of a Maori family being torn apart by societal pressures, domestic & sexual abuse. It is an absolute rollercoaster & Temuera Morrison pops from the screen like a celluloid demon. This film has impact.
Odd Thomas (2014) - this strange, lovely, weird action horror stars the sadly deceased Anton Yelchin. This film I found genuinely touching & weird. Currently on Amazon Prime.
A History Of Violence (2005) - a Cronenberg film that has been forgotten by many. A simple local man (Viggo Mortensen) resolves a violent crime at his diner in a violent way & events escalate quickly out of control with twists & turns all the way. Violent & Croneneberg stylish
- currently playing on Amazon Prime
Punisher: Warzone (2008)- switch off your brain, get the popcorn because this bonkers action movie interpretation of the Marvel Punisher character is extreme comic book violence all the way. Ray Stevenson plays the grim faced Punisher to a tee & Dominic West chews it up as Jigsaw
Haywire (2011) - genuinely don’t know why this film doesn’t get more plaudits - great cast, twisty turny storyline & great action sequences. Interestingly a strong female lead in an all star male cast as well. Good fun action spy stuff - Bond mixed with The Raid.
Under The Skin (2013) - Scarlett Johansson stars in this odd, dark, disturbing scifi horror set in Scotland. Johansson plays a creature consuming men in a tale that will bend your mind. One of the smarter horror sci-fi I’ve seen & Johansson is great.
Snowpiercer (2013) - this is on Prime at the moment & is one of those films that grows on repeated viewings. It’s post global freezing apocalypse- the last desperate survivors live in a moving giant train that circles the world for eternity. Locked into a rigid repressive system.
An uprising starts from the rear carriages & along the way forward in the train we learn a lot about self denial & darkness in everyone’s heart when chips are down. It’s a really different sort of movie, with a pace & complexity I didn’t expect.
Spider-Man: into the Spiderverse (2018) - always cautious to recommend an animation, but this film is a superb - With stellar voice work, great soundtrack & a storyline that is so bonkers it works - this is the story of Miles Morales & an alternative Spider-Man.
The Nice Guys (2016) - an underrated bit of buddy cop comedy gold imho. Crowe & Gosling have great on screen chemistry - with a storyline that rocks along.
Super (2010) - a James Gunn little known interpretation of Comic books. This weird, darkly hilarious movie (includes Liv Tyler, Kevin Bacon & stars Rainn Wilson) charts the mad journey of a fry chef as he becomes a self proclaimed superhero. Quotable dialogue (shut up crime!)
And scenes that will make you wince; it won’t be everyone’s cup of tea but it has a lot going for it.
End Of Watch (2012) - saw this on iPlayer recently & can’t recommend it enough. A tough to watch Cop movie where 2 young cops stray into a Cartels gunsight. The strength of the movie is how it builds the cops relationship whilst also ratcheting up tension. Highly recommended.
The Good Liar (2019) put Ian McKellan & Helen Mirren together & of course I will watch it. But this crime thriller had me doing a fair amount of guessing & entertained me greatly. An aged con artist finds himself a mark, then the story unfolds. Enough twists to entertain here.
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