The basics of SOGIE, a thread
1. SOGIE stands for:
Sexual Orientation - who you're attracted to (either romantic or sexual). Based on who you are attracted to, you can be a:
homosexual: same gender
heterosexual: opposite gender
bisexual: both genders
pansexual: all genders; and
asexual: no attraction
2. The GI in SOGIE stands for:
Gender Identity - you define your gender identity. This may not always correspond with your sex assigned at birth (male/female). You can be:
cisgender: sex at birth = gender identity
transgender: sex at birth ≠ gender identity
gender queer = fluid
2.1. Only you can define your gender identity. We're always taught that only 2 genders exist, but you are free to identify yourself as a man or a woman, or as someone who does not want to conform to either. Your genitals will tell you your sex, but that is not always your gender.
2.2. This is where privilege becomes an issue, because cisgender people (those whose sex assigned at birth is the same as their gender identity) are deemed to be what is "normal" and "right". When in fact, gender is fluid and should not be restricted to only two.
3. E in SOGIE stands for Expression. These are the external manifestations of your chosen gender: clothes, hairstyle, pronouns, and other things. Society identifies these expressions as masculine or feminine, but the definition of both changes over time and varies by culture.
3.1. Depending on the way you express yourself:
feminine: appearances associated w/ women
masculine: appearances associated w/ men
androgynous: combination of masculine & feminine characteristics
gender-neutral: different from conventional forms of masculinity & femininity
4. To simplify things:
Sexual Orientation: who you like/love
Gender Identity: how you feel and identify yourself (internal)
Expression: how you present yourself to the world (external)
5. Now that we've covered the basics, try to identify your SOGIE using this SOGIE spectrum (from @assortedge). As a sample, here's mine:

Sexual Orientation: bisexual
Gender Identity: cisgender woman
Gender Expression: feminine

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6. What does knowing the basics of SOGIE have to do with the SOGIE bill? Opposing lawmakers say that the SOGIE bill gives "special rights" to the LGBT community, but SOGIE applies to everyone, and the bill seeks to protect everyone from SOGIE-based discrimination. EVERYONE.
7. A straight man's SOGIE is:
sexual orientation: heterosexual
gender identity: cisgender
gender expression: masculine

Will he be protected from discrimination by the SOGIE bill? Absolutely. So there is no truth to the opposition's claims that the bill will give special rights.
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