So if you’re like me, you love to smoke! I self-identify as a smoker (rather than a drinker) and almost always have a J on me.

My Sun is conjunct Mars which speaks to a desire to burn (vaping doesn’t really do it for me).

I stopped smoking wacky tobaccy years ago but have been a canna lover for about a decade. Over the years my ability to smoke a ton began to wane as I aged so I began searching for an alternatives to ‘baccy to mix with my bud so I could keep smoking Js but actually finish them!
Enter my 3H Taurus profection where I met a ton of awesome herbalist friends who intro’d me to herbal smoke blends!!

I often purchase pre-made blends (will link to some products at the end) but here’s all you need to know to make your own! —
My Recommended J Ratio:
40% Canna 🌳
30% Base 🌾
20% Additional 🌿
10% Flavor 🥀

This should produce a beautiful smokable herbal salad that doesn’t burn too harshly and leaves you feeling good without getting stoned out of your mind.
1: The Canna - 40%
Whether you have herb w/ THC or simply just CBD Hemp, choose your favorite & try to match it with the herbs you’ll use. Ex: Indica w/ more relaxing & sensual herbs, Sativa w/ more uplifting herbs, or mix it up (which I often do)!
2: The Base - 30%
You want your base to be light, fluffy & without a strong smell.

My favorites (pics in order):

-Mullein (the best & actually good for your lungs!!)

-Red Raspberry Leaf (lovely all around, burning it kinda mimics baccy)

-Damiana (delicious & sensual)
3: Additional Herbs - 20%
These are the herbs you add to achieve a certain effect, whether it’s to relax, to stimulate, etc.
A few of my favorites:
-Catnip (it’s relaxing for humans!)
-Gotu Kola
-Marshmellow Leaf
4: Flavor - 10%
IMPORTANT—You only want to add a very small amount of these! Herbs that are fragrant mean they have more oils, which mean they burn faster and harsher.
-Rose Petals
Mix em all together in your grinder or in your fingers and roll that shit up! If you’re into buying pre-made blends, here are my favorites:

https://dropping-seeds.com/  (incredible blends to smoke, vape or brew)

https://www.instagram.com/therootedzodiac/ (blends for each sign + they’re my friend)
So, I hope this helps some of you who are looking for a lighter, more manageable smoke when you don’t have it in you to smoke a straight-canna J, want to add more flavors to your smokes, or just want to stop smoking baccy!

Be sure to look for organic herbs when possible!
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