Let's talk about James Comey, that tall drink of stupid. Many people are upset the DOJ declined to prosecute him for "leaking" classified "memos" to his attorneys and others. It's a gray area, he wrote those memos as director and they weren't classified then, only later by
someone else. A smart move by Barr not to prosecute ESPECIALLY when Trump/Barr knew this.
Here are SOME of the people involved.
There are more people involved now but after Jordan Kelly was outed I received a call from my Secret Service handler, who Still
identifies himself every time, and flashes the badge when we meet, he's only been around since 2015🙄. The other "representatives" I have to deal with just say, "hey John". Anyway Mr.Flippy called to tell me not to name anymore people involved in this issue because of a ongoing
investigation. But! And this is a Sir Mix Alot sized Butt! He didn't say not to clarify what I already put out there 😄
So here goes!
Anthony Ferrante and Jordan Kelly, and UN-NAMED OTHERS, have been spying on President Trump within the White House and sending that info to James
Comey. And he is no longer Director. He is not protected by that any more. And his current security clearance is restricted and nowhere near high enough to handle what they have been sending. They transmitted everything! Classified briefings, documents, conversations with world
leaders, Security Details, travel plans, huge security risks!, Cough..attempts on President life..cough, Planned memos and talking points everything they could get. And it all went to Comey.
But wait! There's more!!
These people kept copies of everything! Their own little version
of a "insurance policy". And Trump/Barr have it all!😁
Act Now, and I'll throw in a additional fact completely Free!!
These "insurance policies" go back to Obama's time and through the election and transition 😎
There are a roadmap of every dirty trick and illegal act and the
players involved. And best part? These idiots kept their insurance policies in the safest place they could, buried on the White House servers😆 Trump doesn't have to subpoena a single thing! And Congress can't say a word.
So, Comey, when the President called you a huge leaker
He wasn't referring to the memos you felt the need to comment on over and over.🙄 You are all toast!
There you go Mr.Flippy, I didn't name anyone else 😎
Getting good now😎
I swear Mr. Flippy I didn't say a word.
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