A very incomplete list of wealthy, socially powerful men who now identify as women (and thus have a strong interest in keeping the transgender snowball growing):
Laurel Hubbard, the “women’s” powerlifting champion, is the son of Dick Hubbard, former mayor of Auckland, New Zealand, and founder of Hubbard Foods. Laurel won two gold and one silver regional medal and will likely take his region’s only female spot at the Tokyo Olympic games.
Theresa Sparks, 70, is the Executive Director of the San Francisco Human Rights Commission, the former president of the San Francisco Police Commission, & the former CEO of Good Vibrations (prominent sex shop). Pre-trans: Navy career, engineer, & private waste mgmt patent holder.
Marci Bowers, 61, is one of the wealthiest working surgeons today, having performed over 3300 gender surgeries (at more than $17k a pop). Pre-trans: Navy helicopter pilot, medical school, Navy surgeon, private practice, wife, 3 kids. Has done a lot of TV and print stories.
Kristin Beck, 53. Pre-trans: Navy SEAL, finished 20 yr career and retired, married, two kids. Wrote a memoir, featured in CNN documentary, ran for US congress in 2016, at one time started a non-profit, frequently interviewed or honored for military trans perspective.
^^ included for influence more than money
Lynn Conway, 81, computer scientist, inventor, trans activist. Pre-trans: Educated at MIT, Columbia, in engineering and applied science, recruited by IBM, wife, two kids. Holds five patents, many honors and awards, extensive involvement/investment in early computing.
Jennifer Pritzker, GOP billionaire Hyatt hotel & industrial firm heir, founder/CEO private wealth management firm. One of the largest single donors to trans causes. Pre-trans: Army '74-'79 82nd airborne sargeant, '79, commissioned officer, Army reserve, 3 children by 2 ex-wives.
Martine Rothblatt, 65, lawyer, entrepreneur, chairman and CEO of United Therapeutics. Net worth: $390 million. Pre-trans: UCLA law and MBA degrees, NASA, created Sirius Satellite Radio, ceo of Geostar, multiple satellite communication projects, wife, four kids.
Are y’all getting a feel for how grass-roots this movement ISN’T?
Caitlyn Jenner, 69, reality TV star, spokesmodel for H&M sports, Trump supporter. Net worth: $100 million. Pre-trans: college football player, Olympic decathlete, entrepreneur, auto racer, tv actor, celebrity endorser, 6 kids by 3 wives.
Men who have dressed in women’s clothing for sexual pleasure since boyhood are making “becoming a woman” another trophy to achieve. Their politics aren’t inclusive, and they’re NOT feminists by any stretch, but they’re being handed the keys to the social justice kingdom.
When people look at who makes up TODAY’S trans movement, they’ll see rich men, white men, straight men, misogynistic men, homophobic men. Men who love plastic surgery and makeup and dieting and superficial femininity. This isn’t who fought with us last century.
These men don’t care about women, or about gays, or the poor. They are activists ONLY because they needed activism. And they’re doing it like entrepreneurs, acquiring control of other groups, organizations built with the sweat of people who live real, inescapable oppression.
Look PAST their identities at their lives, their words, their pasts, their politics. If that man ditched three wives in succession when they got too old for him? Probably not a feminist, probably shouldn’t replace existing feminist voices.
If that person campaigned for Trump, he probably doesn’t give a shit about women. If his whole life has been about grabbing wealth and fame and power? He, by definition, is not on the side of social justice. OF COURSE he supports trans people. But who ELSE is he out for? Anyone?
This isn’t a squabble among activists. Corporations have successfully taken over liberal activism and philanthropy, and they’ve used our own good intentions to do it.

Think about it.

Appreciate their genius.

Now shake off any idea of this being a fight against an underdog.
We must draw a continuous distinction between the MODERN transgender movement and the drag queens and transsexuals of the 1980s and prior. Those men never asked us to deny reality. They lived in the real world and knew what it was to be looked down on. Also, THEY WERE GAY.
The modern trans movement is a counterfeit uprising. They’re not radical non-conformers or deeply wounded gay men using the trans thought model as a survival tool. No. These are men living their best lives, becoming what bioethicists call “better than well.”
But a lot of them never experienced outward judgment or disdain prior to transitioning, so it’s a shock to them. They have NO IDEA what it is to live that every single day, to never be able to take it off or step away from it. They’ve never known oppression they couldn’t control.
So this? Right now? It’s them controlling it. They conquered sports, the military, the business world, & now they’re going to climb to the top of the oppressed. They have no understanding of how twisted that approach is, how immoral it is to stomp out suffering people like that.
If they seem sincere in their intentions — it’s because they are. They BELIEVE they are most oppressed, because their social order pain scale is calibrated rather differently than yours and mine. There are a lot of personality disorders in that mix, & they believe their own lies.
They’re drawing in disciples. That’s what’s happening in this phase of things. They need soldiers, & they need sympathy, & the kids get them both. Add to that how a booming gender industry introduces thousands of powerful new stakeholders, &, again - you have to stop & admire it.
They’re blowing counter-activists out of the water because they NEVER WERE ACTIVISTS. They’re military men, and they’re capitalists. A common trait among them is a STRONG competitive drive. So many of them are committed athletes. That’s not an incidental finding.
This didn’t come from nowhere. These men worked their entire lives to become powerful BEFORE they ever tried to leverage that power for their cause. They came into this fight extraordinarily well-equipped, with few of the ethical qualms that tend to slow down true activists.
The modern trans movement became whay it is today because businessmen watch for opportunities, and, in the gay rights movement, they saw one.
I have read small-press trans newsletters from the 80s and 90s in which they debate whether they can swallow their disgust and ally themselves with the gays. They go around a lot, because they REALLY don’t want to be seen as gay. Ultimately, they decided it was worth it.
And THAT is how we became LGBT, because we were busy and making things happen, and men wanted to use that. And those men seemed a lot like the femme men and transsexuals we knew and trusted, so we said why the hell not and did the thing. They were smart, and we weren’t wary.
Yes, there were feminine men and drag queens and transsexuals that were active in the gay rights movement, but that’s ONLY because they truly were a part of the gay male community. And, yes, lesbians allied with them - because they NEVER CLAIMED TO BE LESBIANS.
Johnson, Rivera, the rest — They’d hate this. The men holding the reins of the trans movement today are the kind of men who would have beaten them and spit on them fifty years ago. The TRAs of today are deeply homophobic, and deeply racist.
And one last thing — Look at the ages of the men I mentioned. Go dig up some more of your own. They are old enough to have been around during the struggle for gay rights. For DECADES they could have been in this, using that power and determination to help in the fight.
But they weren’t. They stayed hidden away until braver people made it safe for them to saunter out and declare themselves heroes. Where were they when we needed marriage equality? Job & housing rights? We didn’t see their faces until they knew they had more to gain than to lose.
They’re in their 60s, 70s, 80s, and they have the god damn nerve to compare themselves to people like Marsha Johnson. They were ALIVE when Johnson was in that struggle, but they had NO interest in joining.

They were probably busy playing football in college.
You help the people in whom you can see yourself. That’s why my heart is for women, for the poor, for homosexuals, the mentally ill.

These men seek to help no one but themselves, because they don’t and never have considered themselves one of us.
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