Crikey, this isn't hard. As many have pointed out, this isn't an EU plot. It's referring to the UN's 'Intergovernmental Conference to Adopt the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration'. The compact document can be found here:  1/7
It's not hard to find. You don't need to be Woodward and Bernstein to track it down, but I would have thought that a columnist for a national daily should have done some basic journalistic legwork (i.e. google it) before gleefully retweeting a de-bunked conspiracy theory. 2/7
But back to the UN document. It's doesn't mention 'hate speech' anywhere in its 31 pages. It does mention 'hate crimes' though. Once (para 33(b)), if you're interested. 4/7
And it explicitly defends freedom of expression 5/7
I suppose there are some on the very far right of politics who would dissent from the principles that sit at the heart of the compact, but I would hope that @allisonpearson doesn't count herself among them. 6/7
After all, there's a lot to be said for (to quote the document again) 'evidence-based public discourse'. Free societies depend on it and journalists should be in the front line to inform it. 7/7
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