Libya in pictures THREAD:
Our beloved Capital Tripoli
North west of the country, Zuwara city
South west of the desert, Tadrart Acacus(Acacus mountains)
South West of the desert, Ghat
Leptis magna
Nafusa mountain
In the centre of the Libyan desert, waw an namus
East of libya, The green mountain, Derna
The Green Mountain, Shahat
The second biggest city, the capital of the East, Benghazi
In the centre of the north, Misurata City
Gadamis Town
West of the country, Sabratah
The libya desert, Gebroun(central) and Gavel uwienat( The Libyan, Sudanese, Egyptian borders)
Non of the photos are mine but I hope one day I’ll go and explore the whole country and take the maddest photos
You can follow @amaziighii.
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