With Mars & Venus recently at 0 Virgo, and Sun about to, here's a thread on Regulus.

If you don't know about royal stars precessing tropical zodiac by sign, you should. Totally amazing.

Only a few incidences in thousands of years and they have been very significant.
Regulus in tropical Leo, 157 BC / BCE. New model of power. Roman empire not exact to year but right in there - a new scope of power. Interestingly Han dynasty in China also had similar reach, larger than ever before.

So let's say Regulus in Leo is launch of empire. Makes sense.
Next royal star precession by sign was Aldebaran in Gemini & Antares in Sag, both 1298-1299.

Aldebaran, eye of the bull, prompted a new way of seeing - this was the Renaissance. Many scholars point to Dante's Divine Comedy as the beginning; there were other factors in art etc.
Antares, heart of Scorpion, into Sag, also launched era of global exploration & conquest. This is a more ugly story as so many foreign lands were plundered for profit.
The next royal star to change signs by precession was Fomalhaut into Pisces 1725.

Mouth of fish receives knowledge poured from the Knowledge Bearer aka Aquarius. Though estimates for the start of European Enlightenment vary, again right in there with Wiki saying 1715-1789.
Think about this - only 4 royal star sign changes by precession in last 2000 years.

1. Regulus in Leo, launch of empire, both Rome & China
2. Aldebaran/Antares, Renaissance & global conquest
3. Fomalhaut, European (so-called) Enlightenment

And #4 in 2011, Regulus in Virgo.
So, I hope this isn't sounding too Euro-centric but when I researched this carefully looked at China which closely aligned with many of these changes. With other cultures there just wasn't as much history accessible.

Still, these have been paradigm shifts in human history.
So what is Regulus in Virgo?

Although perhaps hard to see today with Trump throwback era, this is a new model of power.

Might by intelligence & data, not by right.
Leadership in consensus, not kingly declaration.
Environment. Sustainability. Reputation. Wealth inequality.
E-gaming over football. Power to women. The list goes on and on.

I believe very much in this paradigm shift because historically, royal star changes by sign have delivered - srsly.

I also believe Saturn cnj Pluto in Capricorn is desperately holding on to outdated ways.
But change is coming. No question. It might take for Pluto to enter Aquarius, or for people born with Regulus in tropical Virgo to grow up a bit more. But it will happen. Just hopefully in time to save the planet.
If you want a thorough exploration, including history of Regulus through terms of Leo (itself fascinating with Roman empire, its fall, Dark Ages, medieval era and age of war all neatly in line), I did a talk many years ago at The Blast astro conference.
Thanks for all the retweets. Along with hoped-for social changes and environmental sustainability, what we have seen since 2011 is:

big data
tech involvement in life as never before
artificial intelligence / machine learning

Mercury-Virgo connection to all of these.
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