A conspiracy thread: the North Pole
This may seem redundant considering I just made a thread on Antarctica, but considering all the other topics we’ve covered so far, this should really come as no surprise to you, that yes, there is also something to be said about the opposite ice cap.
The Arctic Circle, like Antarctica, is shrouded in mystery. It’s most famous for its affiliation with the magnetic North Pole which compasses point to, allowing for a fixed reference people can use to navigate with... as well as Santa Claus. But that’s a whole other story.
But is it really true that the magnetic pole phenomenon is something caused by currents generated within the earth? Could there be another explanation? Well, many ancient cultures spoke of a magnetic mountain in the North, and I believe there is evidence to back its existence.
Mount Meru is a sacred mountain in Hindu and Buddhist cosmology. Its supposedly hundred of thousands of miles high and surrounded by four rivers and four continents. It was said to be the center of the universe.
This concept heavily resonates with the Axis Mundi, another ancient idea found in many religions and philosophies that says there is a pillar that connects the Heavens and the Earth.
However, there is more recent evidence as well. Gerardus Mercator, a renowned geographer, cosmographer, and mapmaker, seems to portray the location of the cosmic mountain and its surrounding land masses in his most well known portrait.
Oronce Finé, another famous mapmaker as well as mathematician, also appears to include the same features at the North Pole in his cartography.
As recently as the 1800s, explorers have claimed to find the mountain, only to be locked up in a madhouse afterwards. Olaf Jansen was one of these men. He claimed he and his father encountered giants there, and that the lost land was so beautiful, it was like the Garden of Eden.
The mountain has been described as being made of lodestone, a naturally magnetized piece of magnetite, and supposedly the waters of the ocean are carried northward into an enormous whirlpool beneath the Pole, making it extremely difficult to get to.
There are even supposed satellite images that show proof of this.
But how could such a mountain come to be? According to Electric Universe theory, a topic touched on in other threads, the position of the planets in the sky was much different in the ancient past, and this is where many myths have may have originated from.
One possible celestial configuration (shown above) was known as Sky Mountain. During this time, it’s theorized that an electrically energized atmosphere imbued all living things with health and longevity. Everything grew bigger and more abundantly. A Golden Age.
However, is it also possible that the electrical currents produced between the heavenly bodies caused magnetic material in the earth to be drawn upward into the sky? Would this explain the mountain’s fantastic height?
Was the electrical current connecting the heavens to the magnetic mountain the mythical Rainbow Bridge I’ve talked about in the past? Norse mythology says something similar to this.
I also find it interesting that the US has a base in Greenland known as Thule Air Base. I mean, it’s located near the city of Thule, but what’s really strange is that these are literally references to Ultima Thule.
Ultima Thule is a mystical continent from Greek legend. It was believed to be guarded by sea monsters. Since then, it has been adapted by medieval and classic literature as a way to metaphorically imply any distant place located beyond the borders of the known world.
Once again, this all ties into the Nazis. They were looking for a lost land full of superhuman giants, and the North Pole was possibly another entrance to that world. In fact, the Nazi Party originally began as what was known as the Thule Society...
Would love to hear some thoughts on this. Thanks for reading 💜
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