1) I've been going back and reading dozens of articles about the Dec 2015 NGP VAN data breach where #Bernie's campaign viewed & stole #Clinton's voter #data due to a glitch in the #software. Here's a long, long thread describing what happened. https://www.wired.com/2015/12/sanders-clinton-data/
2) For unknown (and in hindsight, suspicious) reasons, on 12/16/15 the NGP VAN voter database software used by all Democratic campaigns released an update which contained a bug, allowing campaigns to have access to other campaigns' data. https://blog.ngpvan.com/news/data-security-and-privacy
4) An audit of server logs showed that at least 4 staffers had searched for ~15 states' worth of voter data that Hillary's campaign had compiled. Access was granted/shared to users: UretskyJ, rdrapkinNH, anikseresht, HawleyBrett, talani, javiergNV. http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2015/images/12/18/merged_document.pdf
5) At no point did the Sanders campaign alert the DNC or NGP VAN. They spent about 45 minutes actively searching and generating lists of Hillary's most and least likely voters in the following states: HI, AL, AZ, TX, NH, OH, SC, IA, NV, CO, AR, FL, VA, UT, TN.
7) NGP VAN alerted the DNC of the unauthorized data access, and the DNC reached out to both campaigns. Sanders campaign claims this was the first they'd heard of the breach, and without any audit logs, how were they supposed to know what happened? https://www.politico.com/story/2015/12/hillary-clinton-bernie-sanders-data-breach-217019
11) And then THEY SUED THE DNC.

For "breach of contract" because the DNC allowed this 3rd party vendor to operate this unsecured database software therefore it's their fault. And their contract required 10 days' notice before disconnecting data access.
12) In a truly Machiavellian fashion, Tad Devine turned Bernie into the victim of the crime his campaign had committed. By blatantly lying to and misleading Bernie's supporters, they fundraised millions of dollars from this "unfair injustice". http://bluemassgroup.com/2015/12/sanders-campaign-spins-ngp-van-datagate-but-loses-its-soul/
13) "The Sanders campaign ... has gone on the warpath Friday claiming that the DNC overreacted and is trying to aid Clinton’s campaign.” Sanders’ team only had hours to prepare the lawsuit, shown in some typographical errors present in the court filing. https://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/263779-sanders-sues-democratic-party
15) In the lawsuit, Bernie's campaign alleges that in the 2008 primaries, the exact same situation happened, except it was Hillary stealing Obama's data. There is no evidence or record of this happening and seems to be completely fabricated. https://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/263779-sanders-sues-democratic-party
17) On 12/19/15, the DNC reinstated Sanders' data access. According to the DNC press release, the campaign had complied with all their requests. In all, the Sanders campaign was without access for just under 48 hours. https://democrats.org/news/dnc-chair-statement-on-voter-file-access/
18) And that was basically the last time the media ever touched that story. Devine & Weaver did such a good job of playing the victim that this story is barely known at all. Can you imagine if a Clinton staffer stole Bernie's data??
19) But I have so many more questions:

-How did Uretsky stumble upon his access to Clinton's data?
-Did someone tell him?
-This glitch is apparently the only blemish on a 19 year record for the software. Was it intentional?
20) More questions

-Why weren't the other staffers fired?
-What about Ali Nikseresht?
-What about Hawley Brett?
-What about Russell Drapkin?
-What about Javier Gonzalez?
-What about "talani" and "csmith" and "csanchez"?
22) "You may remember Josh Uretsky, the national data director for Sander's presidential campaign. He was fired in December, 2015 after improperly accessing proprietary data in the DNC system...
23) ...As it was agreed, he was intentionally searching for voter information belonging to other campaigns."

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