Something the Kotaku article got me thinking about: while I acknowledge that most eroge are indeed aimed at men, what attracted me, as a woman, to them was the fact that you get to experience a relationship with the characters, making the sex scenes more intimate.
Sure, those scenes tend to be from a male perspective, and there are many things I dislike about the average eroge scene, but they offer something way more emotional than your average Western porn movie, and that's the connection I was looking for.
Women are just as sexual as men, but (and this is a very broad generalization) we often tend to enjoy porn with an emotional depth to it. It's why bodice-ripper "romance" novels and fanfic are so popular.
Now I have no idea if this is something that's innate or socialized (probably socialized, I mean most things are), but it is what it is. And there are female eroge fans out there who find a lot of joy in these games.
I'm not trying to destroy a narrative here or anything, as I'm not denying the audience for eroge is primarily male, but instead of ALWAYS looking for the negatives, it would be nice to see bigger outlets also look at some of the positives of these "anime sex games".
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