Here are the 0.1% of resources I've consumed that have brought me 90% of the value.


I wish somebody gave me these in a list so I could have spent more time exploiting than exploring.

"I don’t want to read everything, I just want to read the 100 greatest books over and over again”

I think the same can be said of podcasts, articles, and YouTube videos.

Modern media has us chasing the next high. Instead, of re-visiting our personal lindy library.
1. If Instagram is poison, this is the antidote.

It gets you to put down the participation trophy and forces a red pill down your throat

As a millennial, this was the 1st time I was advised to look at myself objectively. Took 19 years to find it!
2. "We all understand the role of negative storytelling. For example, if you found out the jacket you were wearing was previously owned by Ted Bundy - you wouldn't wear it anymore!" - @rorysutherland with @ShaneAParrish

Game changer.
3. When the weather is bad outside, parents react negatively and tell their kids to stay inside

This is the first time children begin to outsource their agency to external forces

Josh Waitzkin does the opposite. When the weather is shit, they celebrate
4. A short essay by @paulg on how short life is.

Every time someone dies, I find myself reading this essay.

"Relentlessly prune bullshit, don't wait to do things that matter, and savor the time you have. That's what you do when life is short." 
5. “Integrity is a closeness of fit of what you would say to someone’s face and what you would say about them when they leave the room” - @SamHarrisOrg

Go to a coffee shop and listen in to conversations. 90% of it is people bitching about friends.
6. I think this is the nearest you can get to taking psychedelic drugs.

It is free on YouTube and takes 2 minutes and 40 seconds to watch.
8. I got more value from this than I did from 2 years of studying business at school - @naval

Once you listen, you can't stop seeing specific knowledge, leverage and accountability everywhere.

I quit a job because of this podcast.
9. This is possibly the most honest conversation you will ever hear.

I don't agree with him on everything - but his integrity is fascinating. Serge doesn't live according to our Zeitgeist's standards and it is admirable.

@SergeW1 & @kevinrose
10. "If I can't observe the reality of my own breathe for 10 seconds, how can I hope to observe the reality of the global economic-political system?"

Note to self - work on yourself before you begin to try and fix Brexit/Trump/Politics etc
11. Stoic philosophy from a man who has lived with Skin in The Game - @jockowillink

Note to self - If a man can say this during war, I can say it in traffic on my way to an air-conditioned office.
12. Whatever city I move to, I love to observe the subtle cues that each city whispers.

If you want to change an animal's evolutionary trajectory, change its environment.

Same is true of humans. (Or at least it is for me)

Moved cities due to this 
13. "I'm not entitled to have an opinion on a subject unless I can say the arguments AGAINST my position better than the people who do than the people who are supporting" - Charlie Munger
14. Humans aren't special when it comes to calories burnt to move 1KM.

Other animals win easily.

A human on a bicycle? No animal can compete.

We are a species of leverage - that's what makes us special.

"The computer is the bicycle of the mind."

15. "The answer to the question of 'Do I Matter?' is that I am nothing and I am everything" - @naval

No video visualizes this better.

It is criminally under-watched.

Another free psychedelic trip.
16. 4 hours of the best moments of @rickygervais, @KarlPilkington and @StephenMerchant

I listened to their podcast when I was 11 and still find myself returning to it.

Can turn a bad day into a good day.

What is in your Lindy Library?

What podcast/articles do you find yourself returning to?
PS. @ChrisWillx just got me out of my cave to do mental models 102. Check it out here.
You can follow @george__mack.
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