Brief Summary of Mike Shinoda Fluff History, with pictures and short description of each species.

(Note: this is not a complete list, but includes the highlights. Might be expanded in future.)
Red Hair aka “My Rebel Red”. A classic recipe is used - a combination of cheap drugstore hair gel spiked with hair dye. Probably had Joe Hahn as a barber. Very aggressive, could be a thing. Most likely about to break.
Blue Hair aka “When you use your hair as a spray paint tester”. Probably was inspired by some cartoon characters (maybe anime). The main rival of Red Hair. Romantic. Artistic. Trying to act tough, but too cute for it. Looks pretty. Definitely attracts the attention of others.
Dark Blue Hair aka “True color reveal”. Only few know that dark blue is Fluff’s natural color. Sometimes is confused with previous type, but actually has completely different mood. Still cute though. Big emo energy. Bonus points if you make sad puppy eyes or wear glasses.
Yellow/Orange/Ginger/WhateverThisColorIs aka “When you wanna try something new but it goes not how you expected”. Approved by Phoenix. Very rare species, probably was dyed over with different color ASAP.
BlondieBumbleBee aka “Wait what, is this Mike?!”. Unknown to a wide audience. Unfortunately, only one image of this rare Fluff specimen has survived. Little is known about it in public records. Sensual. Underrated.
Hair Recovery: apparently after so many different color experiments with hair it was easier to shave it all off. Very short, healthy. Reveals a perfectly round shape of the skull, helps to save your shampoo longer.
Baby Fluff: with careful handling, Fluff grows soft, healthy and beautiful. Probably the first historically documented appearance of Fluff the way it is - natural, not affected by any external sticky colorful factors. Incredibly soft and cute.
Classic Spike Minoda style aka Back to Basics. Color: black. Shape: multiple unicorns horns. Red strands appear sometimes. Bad boy vibes. Sassy, but intellectual. Rebel by nature, hates hairbrushes. Badass.
Welcome to the Fluff breakdown aka “When you’re tired of having a hair.” History is silent about what Fluff did wrong but it was ruthlessly shaved off. The saddest time of Fluff. Humble, but has potential. A bit jealous of his friend named Fro.
Fluffy Mohawk aka “When you let your best friend choose your haircut”. Like a fluff of a true rock star, had this period in life. Perhaps nostalgic for the old “spikey” days. Quite a rebel. Softly aggressive.
Bear Mike: first appearance. Tousled, attractive, extremely fluffy. Combined with the same fluffy beard. Gives soft and warm vibes. Possible side effect - increased cheeks plumpness.
ATS hair: the beginning. Life motto - “Image is nothing, ATS is everything”. Probably the most controversial in Fluff history. Some consider it a favorite, others the biggest mistake this world has ever seen. Friend of any kind of beanies.
ATS hair: Episode two aka “Haircut who? I don’t know her”. Extended version of the previous type. Provides the best eyebrows protection, but sometimes prevents a clear view of the world. Can be wild on stage.
ATS hair: Glow-Up aka “I’m sexy and I know it”. Showed up after Mike woke up one morning and suddenly remembered about styling products existence. Looks shiny. The absolute star of Iridescent music video.
Hair Reanimation aka “When you’ve rediscovered the pleasure of using hair gel and learned how to use it properly and you just can’t stop”. Disciplined, sexy. Behaves, but probably goes wild after wash.
Lazy Fluff. Soft enough, fluffy enough. Balance and harmony between naturalness and styling products. Easy to style. A bit tousled, but pretty calm in general. Definitely has manners.
Rebellious strand. One perfect imperfection that makes you look even more cute. Appeared at different times, always unexpectedly. No record of it being accidental or intentional. Also, it is not established whether it was the same strand or different. Mysterious, charming.
Rebellious Fluff. Wild and free, the Rebellious Fluff is truly rare but a sight to behold. Few have managed to capture its magnificence, as it appears for mere seconds during intense moments on stage.
Royal Fluff: only God and Anna Shinoda probably know how much time Mike spent in front of the mirror to make each hair take its place in this truly flawless hairdress. Looks soft, natural, but stunning. Loved by many.
Waves. The very important part of Royal Fluff times. Extremely cute and beautiful. Tender and wistful. Soft ocean vibes. Appears rarely, but when it does - it is a blessing to all around.
“Woke up like this” hair aka School Times Flashback. The Fluff owner himself was unsure about that, but the majority decided to let it be. Early bird, looks unusual, still has mixed reviews.
Victimized by Random Barber aka “When you trust your Fluff’s life to random dude”. With getting a haircut you can also get enlarged ears and elongated head. Or not. Very fashionable, but has bad taste in hats.
“Hair is doing this 80s wave thing. I kinda like it”. Appeared both on stage and in everyday life. Old-fashioned but kinda cool. Probably a bit crunchy to the touch. Very serious. Focused.
Hair Flips Fluff - appeared when Mike has discovered the fun of hair flips (might be seen in some mv). Gorgeous, shy, mostly hides under caps. Was the reason of the international “Free The Fluff!” campaign. According to witnesses, still has lots of product on, probably to behave.
Bear King Fluff aka Fluffy Renaissance. Finally free after a long period of the reign of caps (aka Fluff suppressors), it’s risen even more beautiful and gorgeous. Attracts all eyes. Healthy, furry, absolutely stunning. Softer than ever. The Fluff, the way it was meant to be.
Dark Emerald Green Hair aka “The missing piece of The Fluff Rainbow”. Presented to the general public only in early 2020, despite the fact that it was in the records but remained unnoticed for a long time. Cute, bright, gorgeous. Probably a close relative of the Dark Blue Fluff.
“The Corona Quarantine Cut” aka “Baby Fluff Returns”. As result of The Fluff owner self isolation, shocked the public with its appearance, although was expected. Created by the team of novice barbers, young but talented. Soft, fresh, cute yet controversial. Has great potential.
OfficialFluffShinoda - being an important part of The Fluff owner Twitch streams, it’s got very popular, even has its own emote. Inconsistent - sometimes goes wild, sometimes chills under caps. Gorgeous, incredibly floofy. Finally gets enough appreciation from The Man itself.
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