#bkdk #bakudeku
listen. i like wingman aus. but get this. deku is in love with kacchan and acknowledged those feelings after graduation. they're in the same agency and tho deku is heavily invested in becoming the number one hero, he also wants to be number one in kacchan's heart.
however, he has no idea in how to approach kacchan or seduce him romantically. he was so focused in becoming a hero, he's quite awkward in courting. he ponders over this issue for a long time because even tho he knows kacchan best, he's still at a stump.
he doesn't want to ruin this first chance. therefore, he came up w the brilliant idea to ask the best person for the job: kacchan.

so imagine this. lunch break. deku sidles up to kacchan and compliments his homemade lunch (which cues in kacchan to hand him his because the damn
nerd is hopeless and at least he pays him back by buying the groceries).

"can we talk kacchan?" deku says nervously.

"sure," he says nonchalantly while stuffing his mouth with rice.

so deku drops the bomb and stupidly asks kacchan to help him confess to a person he likes.
this raises kacchan's eyebrows because this is the first time he heard deku talk to him about a person he's attracted to. he ignores the itch in his throat and shrugs. not interested, he says.
but deku latches onto his arm and pleads his childhood friend to help because he's a lost cause and with kacchan's guidance, he would definitely score.
wow, the nerd must really love this person to be this desperate, kacchan thinks. caught up by his genuine feelings, he agrees and they discuss how he would ask the person out.

to which kacchan said, "just ask the person to go out and eat."

"isn't that too normal?"
"hah? normal? what, you thinking of renting an island and hire a bunch of useless shit to entertain your date?"

"... no." yes. deku actually contemplated that.

"listen," kacchan put down his lunch. "don't stress too much about it. also, it helps you understand their
personality, the type of food they like. how they treat the service staff. what they're like outside of work."

well. deku knows what kacchan is like. been by his side ever since. but he can't tell kacchan that or the truth would be obvious.

well. here it goes then.
"kacchan, what would be a good place to eat?"

kacchan, being the intelligent but dense man that he is, did not see this question as an invitation to a date. instead, he assumed deku was in love with someone from the dekusquad.
when he shot off a random popular restaurant, one that was up to his standards, deku wanted kacchan to go with him. which he agreed. because once again, kacchan assumed that deku wanted to try it out and check if it was an appropriate place.

(tired -w- may or may not continue.)
yes, deku was ridiculously obvious, always asking kacchan what dishes were the restaurant's specialties, whilst chatting with him about their work and other engagements. it felt too much like a date. even deku paid for their meals because he felt that he dragged kacchan into this
role of a wingman.

kacchan thought this would be the end and would nurse a drink of some sort back home to work out the tumultuous emotions swirling within him. he knew he would hate being a wingman, but being deku's wingman was worse.
then deku took him to a shopping mall, panicking over his outfit because he doesn't want to look too dorky.

in which kacchan replied, "you always look dorky, nerd."

"but what if i want to look like a sexy dork."

"not with those khakis."
"deku, i know you're hopeless, but you can't be that hopeless," he groaned after watching deku picking out the tackiest button down shirt with a pineapple pattern. he stuck out like a sore thumb. deku's crush would have died of embarrassment being seen next to him.
hell, he is embarrassed to be associated with him. he had to take matters into his own hands. god, deku would have trudged home crushed after his date laughed at his shitty attire. sure, kacchan would have kicked that person's ass but he doesn't want to create a disaster.
he had to transform deku into a sexual god.

a small part of him wanted to commit sabotage, but he immediately blocked that out despite his personal feelings. deku asked him for help, and albeit reluctantly, he shouldn't give deku anything less than plus ultra.
"listen, you gotta accentuate your best features." kacchan went through the rack to pull out tight fitting jeans. "show off your butt more," he rolled his eyes. "it would be a waste to use those legs only for evil."

caught up in this, kacchan continued onward, practically
giving deku a new wardrobe.

once he exhausted everything, he looked at deku with renewed eyes. he looked truly stunning like this, having fun and giving him that rare smile reserved for him.

a reserved smile that won't be his much longer. kacchan bit his tongue.
downtrodden, kacchan walked deku home, his legs feeling heavier and heavier as they got closer. of course his stupid emotions would choose now as the time to realize how much he adored and cared for deku.

hell, he spent the whole day with the nerd because
he doesn't want to let him go just yet.

right at the doorstep, deku turned to him. "kacchan," deku said softly. "was today any fun? do you think... the person i love would smile at the end?"

was this heartburn? was this heartbreak? damn, kacchan had trouble naming the
frustration coursing through his veins. he can end it now, tell deku that no, his date wouldn't enjoy it. or he can ruin his plans and take deku as his.

but... he was a bigger man than that.

"that person would be a fool to hate whatever date you'll give them," he smiled.
"it'll be so great, they'll fall in love with you all over again."

and kacchan said that from the bottom of his heart.

beaming, deku grabbed kacchan's hands. his encouraging words were the best motivation to spur him on.

"kacchan!" he bowed his head.
"Please go on a date with me tomorrow!"

one second.

two seconds.

three seconds.

uwu dw after bopping him on the end, kacchan enjoyed another wonderful date with deku and thanked the heavens for choosing such tight fitting pants on him.

indeed, they became a very lovey dovey couple.
even better, in the epilogue, kacchan went up to deku one day.

"hey deku."

"Yes kacchan?"

"I have a friend who wants to propose to his lover." kacchan gave a side eye glance with a smirk. "in your opinion, what would be the best spot?"

(yes, deku was oblivious the whole way)
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