Here's the real news regarding #Epstein and #Pedogate that nobody is reporting.

Let's begin here: What the hell has been going on in all the *other* elite social circles, and before and after this period?

Does my question puzzle you? It shouldn't. You think this is a one-off?
Look, there's a simple and obvious point you have to bear in mind.

Just stop and think about this. If you do, it will blow your mind. It did mine.
If all these super-powerful people are capable of systematic child trafficking and abuse in *this* case and at *this* particular period of time, don't you think they and others like them do it in *other* places, and at *other* times?

What, you think this is a one-off?
Therefore, the crime that is caught is always only the tip of the iceberg.

When we look at this elite pedophile ring, we must ask: what iceberg lies beneath the surface: in other places, at other times, with other players?
We as a society haven't been looking for elite pedophilia rings. Our reporters aren't wired to think that way. Our police, prosecutors, and judges have a hard time conceiving of it. It turns our stomach. It can't exist.
Not a few people have said that Hollywood is basically run by pedophiles. Explore (don't just take anybody's word for it) what Twitter says:

Ignore the stuff you find half-baked and offensive. Look at all the rest. There's a lot of it.
The stories of rock stars very regularly "popping cherries" of teenage girls are legendary and not even controversial. There are even songs written about it. Just one example is Lori Maddox, who says she lost her virginity at age 14 to David Bowie:
So we need to learn the real news: Elite pedophilia exists. And elite pedophilia rings exist.

I rarely use all caps, but I'm going to this time, because I feel like screaming:

We live in the sort of world that has elite pedophile rings in it.

Holy crap. Really. This is happening in our world, not some fictional story. This world.

I sure as hell didn't know that before. Did you? This was HUGE news to me. Soul-shattering, horrific news.
And let's break it down.

Our elites: people like billionaire financiers, famous politicians, celebrity entertainers, even famous scientists and professors.

THOSE people.

Some few participate in *organized* child abuse.
And by all accounts they use their power to get away with these horrific crimes.

We live in the sort of world in which distinguished, respected people—in the West, in the enlightened sensitive, #MeToo West—perpetrate these sorts of crimes.

With children.
So I just have to know: How in the *world* can this happen? What do we not understand about human psychology, sociology, history, policing, law courts, etc., etc., that this can exist?
I'm not suggesting that #Qanon or #Pizzagate are correct. Don't go beyond the evidence. But if you take your head out of the sand and actually *look at* and *think soberly about* that evidence, you'll find that elements of the world of the elites is much darker than we knew.
And I also want to know this: What are we going to do about this problem?

One thing I urge you not to do, and that is to go back to sleep and pretend it doesn't exist and you haven't learned anything.
I want to add two more things to this thread.

This is real, not a story and not a game. That means a lot of people we basically trusted and admired will actually be revealed as monsters. It’s too horrifying to contemplate—that’s a reason they’ve gotten away with it for so long.
But justice must be done. Real justice, NOT mob justice. Stay calm. Trust that the wheels of justice turn slowly but inexorably.
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