Yesterday I found myself in a convo with my 16 y/o brother about the tragic death of Carson Crimeni in Langley. He’d been sent the photos&videos circulating on Snapchat. He wasn’t sure what to do if he ever sees such a thing happen. I told him about Canada’s Good Samaritan law 1/
The Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act, introduced in May 2017, exists to protect those who report an OD from charges stemming from drug possession. He had no idea & was confused because “drugs are illegal.” We talked about the 1,500+ fatal ODs last year... 2/
..specifically the 18 u18s who died (& the 8 deaths from Jan-May this year). He wasn’t texting or watching TV out of the corner of his eye. He was listening. He asked again to confirm that he can call 911 without any fear. “I’m gonna tell my friends that.” 3/
I cannot protect my little brothers forever, no matter how hard I try. But he now knows what to do if for the rest of his life someone overdoses at a high school party, campus party, work party, basement, his roommates bedroom. /4
Details about the law:
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