scorpio moons ➫ the master thread
THE CARFAX: Scorpio is ruled by the planet Mars, when the moon enters Scorpio it is fall. Fall is when the sign is weakened based on the planet it's in. Scorpio is restricted here or not as welcomed, making Scorpio moon people struggle to understand and express their emotions.
Scorpio moon people have the natural desire to conceal or hide themselves. So when this is how they are expected to process their emotions, they can struggle with communicating their feelings. These people often bottle things up, or go silent when they're hurt.
But this doesn't mean that Scorpio moon people aren't intelligent, just because they go quiet doesn't mean they don't see what's happening around them. These people are often incredibly sharp due to spending most of their life studying other people's errors and shortcomings.
In childhood these people may have had to grow up faster than others, or were more aware of serious matters at an earlier age - making them inherently wiser beyond their years. These are the children who appear calculated, and help you when you use a word incorrectly.
Scorpio moon people grow up faster than most, and are incredibly protective of the people and things they love or that make them feel comforted - because of this. They are naturally more introspective and are highly selective with who they feel they can trust or open up to.
Scorpio moon people are incredibly naive with their expectations for other people. Due to being so highly selective with who they choose to commit to, these are people who are incredibly all or nothing. So when they choose to commit to you they expect the same intensity.
Scorpio moon spends a lot of their time isolated from the world, and because of this they tend to lose out on real life experiences. The smallest disappointment can leave them feeling deeply jaded or quick to write everyone off without a second thought.
Scorpio moon people need to learn not to restrict their feelings so heavily, and that not everything needs to be hidden from others. They lose out on genuine opportunities and experiences when they're able to express what they're thinking or share their emotions with others.
People are genuinely captivated by the passion and intensity Scorpio moon people feel. They are able to govern their emotions through a very analytical lens, and process through a lot of their feelings so rationally - that it takes a lot for them to feel angry or upset.
Need someone to tell you you're being irrational? Need someone to sit with you in silence and hold your hand anyway? Get yourself a Scorpio moon person. They know how to give you the heaping dose of a reality check you need, while also making you feel nurtured the entire time.
Just because a Scorpio Moon person don't agree with you - doesn't mean they won't still support you unconditionally. When a scorpio moon pledges their loyalty to you, it's literally until death. Regardless of how much they pretend they don't care, trust me they do.
Scorpio moon people are the most empathetic to strangers in need, with the same energy/intensity as though a random person off the street is their own flesh and blood. These are the people who don't know how to handle their own emotions and spend so much time (1/2)
(2/2) suppressing their own feelings and pushing them down, even though they might implode -- so they remain alert to the slightest inconvenience of anyone around them at all times. These are people who notice EVERYTHING. Holding doors for people you didn't see were even there.
SAY IT WITH ME: just because they aren't showering you in flowery language doesn't mean they don't care. They're the ones up all night building a new computer for yours because yours broke last minute. In terms of sentiment, they won't tell you they'll show you.
IN SUMMARY: Be kind to your Scorpio moon friend who struggles to text back, or might feel distant/detached at times. If they make time for you at the end of the day - they care more than most people in your life. Even if they don't admit it, also they'll deny this.
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