1/ A recent lightbulb moment of mine was that competitive advantage can be represented visually as 1 or more feedback loops. These create an advantage "flywheel" that maintain and grow a moat over time.
2/ Here's a few archetypical examples of common advantages represented as feedback loops:
3/ And some real-world examples I sketched out that combine multiple advantages into the flywheel engines driving growth:
4/ This helps emphasize that the most successful moats have multiple flywheels that feed off of each other's momentum. Like Google's tech advantages enabling stronger brand allegiance. Or Coke's marketing-driven brand feeding off of the distributor based network effects.
5/ Using the analogy of a feedback loop helps to think of an advantage as a moving, changing system. A system that needs catalysts to get started, and will gain momentum at first but still be slowed by friction over time.
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