There are no girls on the internet, there is no such thing as misogyny, and as a species we are congenitally incapable of grasping these truths, in fact the deck is stacked against us such that the more energy we spend fighting this phantom, the more its insidious power grows
First, a disclaimer: in general, one should avoid the strategy I am about to use. The epistemic grounding of institutional science is irrecoverably flawed and if we drink its wine we get stuck with its hangover
The classic dictum "no girls on the internet" does not mean that women don't use the internet, it means that, in real life, men treat women with something approaching deference, just because they are women
When women go online, men mostly don’t treat them with automatic deference, especially in spaces where their sex is not immediately obvious, or is easy to lie about.
Men treat other men much more harshly than they treat women, so when men treat women the way they treat men (equally, like human beings, etc.), women perceive it as abuse
Unfortunately no amount of scientific research will ever wake us up to this truth. A tragic irony of the science of sex differences is that people only believe research when it finds female superiority
“Female privilege” is Kafkaesque, it operates by pretending it doesn’t exist, by blaming men for all of women’s problems, and by exploiting the fact that men and women are genetically predisposed to favor women
None of the claims of feminism stand up to even a moment of rational scrutiny, but fortunately society’s bias in favor of women is so absolute that mankind has never in its history had to suffer such a moment.
But don’t misunderstand me. This is not a cry for some political action or reform to fix the problem. Society will always favor women, which is why crying to the government is a fundamentally female strategy
No, there is no hope of waking even other men up from this deeply incumbent, deeply misandrist false consciousness. All we can do is try to offend as many feminists as possible for our own entertainment.
Everything feminists have ever complained about, everything they have blamed men for, has always in truth been the harm that women perpetrate against other women
It is women, overwhelmingly women, who sabotage the careers of other women; they despise the success of their sisters.
"Her skirt is too short, her dress is too tight"--Are these the proclamations of a man? It is women who police the sexual displays of other women, and yet they blame men for trying to control their style of dress
Men not only adore women, they love to adore women, but women on the whole like nothing more than to rob men of this pleasure at every opportunity. They scold and scorn and shame and blame us for admiring them!
The teaching that women should deny their inexorable nature as sexual objects (one facet of femininity, among many) ironically robs them of sexual agency and increases their romantic failures. And who, gentle reader, teaches them to deny this reality?
There is no such thing as misogyny, unless by that word we mean "the treatment that women give to each other". The fact that most people of both sexes are convinced it is men would testify to ubiquitous misandry, if only we weren't so blind
Admittedly, some men may feel a bit of resentment towards the fairer sex, but this resentment is always manifest in the most harmless way imaginable, in fact a resentful man nearly always expresses his resentment thus: he asks her for a date
As repayment for this gross injustice, women can be counted on to receive what gifts a man offers her even as she looks on him with contempt and resentment of her own, which are called "women's intuition"
The magnitude of women's hypocrisy in this arena cannot be conveyed with words. Women simultaneously demand to have earning power that is equal to men, and yet steadfastly refuse to date a man who does not out-earn them
Gender equality is a great paradox, in which women, acting through poor, foolish men who have evolved to fall prey to their deceptions, demand from men precisely that which leaves them cold
But let us not blame women for their nature any more than we blame men, no, and let us not even treat them fairly, that would be far too cruel. Women are such brilliant deceivers, they even convince themselves. What chance do men have?
No, no, it is not women who are to blame for acting like women, I will not abide this kind of slander! The tiger stalks and kills the boar, a hurricane can demolish a city, and time ravages all people. Likewise, woman's treachery is but cruel nature!
Perhaps men are to blame after all! We cannot be arsed to care about a woman's mind or her character, wholly enraptured as we are to her arse! Untold aeons of such breeding have produced precisely those traits in women that we as men deserve.
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