CW: peeping, NSFW, violence

Kiri is the neighborhood perv, but no one knows it. He's so bright and cheerful that no one would ever suspect he was peeping on all of the hot men.

His favorite to peep on is the local mystery man, Bakugou Katsuki.

He's so MANLY, too.
Kirishima loves to crouch outside Bakugou's bedroom window and watch the man strip while he touches himself. Tonight is a perfect night for it, too.

The cloud cover hides Kirishima's figure, and he just barely peeps over the bottom edge of the window to see inside.
Bakugou's just walking into his bedroom. It must be about eight thirty. He's nothing if not punctual, and Kiri settles in to watch the show.

He spits on his hand and slides it down his pants, palming his dick until its hard and weeping.

He sighs, eyes going hooded with lust.
What he wouldn't give to see Bakugou up close. He loves the plains and curves of the other man's body, and tonight is no exception.

He watches, licking his lips, as Bakugou strips off his tight, black tee-shirt. He always dresses the same: a black tee and gray cargo pants.
Kiri has never questioned the strange uniform. He assumes Bakugou's dressed for comfort or that he does something fairly active for work. Maybe he's a forest ranger or a cop.

It doesn't really matter.

The redhead cranes his neck as the other man leaves the bedroom suddenly.
He frowns a little, wondering where Bakugou went. A few long seconds tick by, and Kiri's about to give up and go home.

He turns around and yelps at the sight of a shadow looming over him.

Bakugou's teeth flash white as he smirks down at the other man. "Hey, there, perv."
A heavy, booted foot slams into Kirishima's face, and everything goes dark.

Kirishima wakes to darkness.

It takes a few seconds to realize that it's not actually /dark/. Well, not really. Yellow light from the street filters in from behind heavy blackout curtains.

He huffs and tries to move, but the throbbing in his face stops him.
He tries to reach forward and touch his face, but his wrists are chained behind him, attached to the wall. When he tries to move his arms to the left or right, the chains slide on a bar.

At least he's on a soft bed. It's big, and it smells really good, like caramel and fire.
"Welcome back," rasps Bakugou.

Kiri turns toward the sound of the other man's voice. He spots a shadow standing in the darkness. He's doing something, but between the pounding in his face and the darkness, he can't see what he's actually doing.
"Sssorry for peeping," he slurs. "Shh... shouldn't have."

"Tch." Bakugou turns around and comes closer before sitting on the bed and leaning toward Kiri. "We both know you're not actually sorry. You're just sorry you got fuckin' caught."

And, okay, yeah. That's true.
He'd have kept coming back if Bakugou hadn't caught him tonight.

"Ssso," he slurs out, part of him wondering why words are so hard to form, "gonna turn me in, or what?"

The laugh Bakugou gives is short and harsh. "Fuck no."

"Why not?" he mumbles.
Dangerous eyes flash up to him, and Bakugou rumbles, voice deep and dangerous, "I've always wanted a pet."
"A... pet?"

The other man grunts and leaned in to check his restraints.

"B-but people are gonna know I'm missing! I'm... I'm really well-known around here!"
A slow, wolfish smirk crosses Bakugou's lips. "Oh? You think so, shitty hair? Well, guess I'll just have to take you for walks, show them all you're safe and being taken care of."
And holy /shit/, the thought of being put on a leash and walked around the neighborhood should /not/ give him a neat-instant boner.
He licks his lips and looks up, trying to play coy, though it's a little difficult while chained to the wall. "Would you show me off?"

A twitch in his cheek gives away how he clenches his jaw at the question.

Emboldened, Kiri presses, "Make sure everyone knows I'm yours?"
"Bet you'd like that, creepy perv."

He chuckles. "I might. Wanna see?" And yeah, maybe he should be scared and more concerned about his predicament, but he kind of likes this. He likes being chained up and called a pet.

It's wrong, but he lifts his hips, swaying them.
A massive bulge pushes the front of his sweats up, and Kirishima wiggles his eyebrows, waiting to see what the other man will do.

Bakugou clenches and unclenches his hands.

A beat of silence passes between them.

The air is tense with desire.

And then Bakugou snaps.
He lunges forward, shoves Kirishima back against the headboard of the bed, and grabs his neck, holding him just under the jaw.

Kirishima's eyes widen, and he's panting, gasping quietly for air. /Holy crap, holy crap, holy crap./ His dick is so goddamn hard that it /hurts/.
Bakugou slowly releases his hold on Kiri's windpipe, but keeps his grip over his arteries strong. The restriction makes him a little lightheaded, and his eyes roll back, lips parting as he inhales sharply.
Slowly, ever so slowly, Bakugou leans in and gently kisses him.

It's the softest, tenderest kiss Kirishima has ever enjoyed. The other man's lips barely whisper over his own, and a slight hint of hot, steamy breath carries him away.
Bakugou sticks his tongue out, tentatively tracing over Kirishima's lips. It's like he's never kissed before, like this is all new, but he wants to be the one to control it, to experience it.

So, Kiri makes sure to let the other man have complete control.
Bakugou's tongue slips between his lips, and Kirishima closes his eyes slowly, trying to focus on how that slick tongue feels. It's so soft, so wet. He tastes like spices and rum, and he sighs into the kiss.

It's sort of hot knowing Bakugou got a little drunk to capture him.
The kiss is slow, but it ends too quickly.

When Bakugou pulls away, Kirishima whines a little, frowning up at the other man as he withdraws his hand.

"The fuck's wrong with you?"

"Want more kisses."

Those sharp eyes narrow, and Bakugou scoffs before standing.
Wait. This isn't how things are supposed to happen. Bakugou's supposed to fuck Kirishima's brains out. Right?


"W-wait! Don't go!"

"Tch. So fucking needy."

But he turns and walks away. Not out of the room, thankfully, but into the enormous walk-in closet.
Kirishima holds his breath, too nervous to say anything. He wants to know what Bakugou's doing or if he's going to come back.

A few long seconds tick by, and then the blonde emerges again. He's holding something thick and black.

A dildo.


He squirms at the sight of it. It's bigger than any of the ones he has at home, a good foot long, at least, and maybe three inches wide. The head flairs wider, though.

It's gonna be rough fitting that, he knows that much.
Bakugou smirks as he rolls the dildo between his hands. "You're gonna take this tonight."

"I was kinda hoping for the real thing," he replies, trying to be a little suggestive when he licks his lips and pointedly looks at Bakugou's crotch.
He knows the other man is packing; he's seen Bakugou naked before, after all.

Such is the life of a peeper.

It's just a shame to have a fake, silicone dick up his ass when he could be stuffed full with a real dick.
That earns him a snort. "Not gonna reward you, you fucking perv. You creep on me and expect me to fuck your brains out?" A hollow laugh follows. "No. Ain't fuckin' happening. This, though," and he holds the dildo out, "should help me train you to be good."
Oh, /yes/, Kirishima can be good. He can be /so/ fucking good. He'll be the best pet Bakugou has ever had.

So, he nods, trying not to look too eager. If he behaves himself, maybe he'll get the real thing tonight. "Okay, daddy. Whatever you say."
Bakugou chokes on his spit. "The /fuck/ did you just call me?"

"Daddy," he replies, keeping his voice low and smooth. "If I'm your pet, you're my daddy."

"Fuck. No. No, I ain't your goddamn--"

"Don't be that way, daddy. I'll be a good boy. Train me? I'll be the best boy."
That does something to Bakugou; he moves swiftly and silently. It's almost terrifying.

He sets the dildo on the bedside table before grabbing Kirishima's left leg and hoisting it up.

"Fucking relax."

He tries to, curiously watching as the other man chains his leg to the wall.
The chains wrap around his ankle, but Bakugou uses the bottom of his sweats to help dull the pain. Once he's secure, the other man strides to the other side of the bed and chains that leg up, too.

Kirishima cocks his head to the side, looking up at the wall.
His nose wrinkles a little. He's confused. "I'm still dressed."

"No shit. Fucking moron."

"Don't be mean, daddy."

"Shut the fuck up," he hisses, but Kirishima swears there's an air of embarrassment behind the words.
Bakugou crawls onto the bed and reached out, almost like he's scared.

/Wait. Why is he scared? This is fine. He's not even doing anything that intense./

Well, aside from kidnapping Kiri, but he kiiiind of deserved it. Or wanted it. Or both.
Whatever. The point is, Bakugou seems nervous, which seems so strange.

It takes Kirishima a few long seconds to realize why.

"You've never done this before, have you?"
He /might/ be at least 40% sure that Bakugou's a virgin.

The blonde yanks his hand back before he even touches Kirishima's thigh.


"Wait, is that a laugh, or...?"


His face looks flushed, but it's hard to tell.

Kirishima frowns. "Are you a virgin?"
Bakugou sputters and fumes, and yeah, /maybe/ he shouldn't have asked so directly. It probably wasn't very polite of him, but he wanted to know. It's sort of a big deal if he's Bakugou's first!

The blonde shuffles off the bed, swears, and leaves the room, slamming the door.
Okay, now Kiri's at least 60% sure he's a virgin.
Maybe 70%, if he's honest.

But, hey, he's willing to give his bro some tips.

/First tip,/ he thinks, looking up at the rails on the wall, /don't leave your guest tied up unless you're gonna put a vibe in them and edge them or something./

Because it's BORING being tied up.
And Bakugou didn't even put anything in his ass!

"Hey!" he shouts. "Hey, come back! I don't care if you're a virgin! But you shouldn't just tie guests up and leave them. It's super rude, man!"
When there's no response, he sighs, slouching into as comfortable a position as he can. It's not much, but his ass is a little more accessible, and--


Oh no.

No, no, no.

The corner of his eye itches.
He tries to rub it on his arm, but every time he leans into his shoulder, the chains slide along the bars, carrying his arm out of reach.

"Hey!" he shouts. "HEY! Come back! My eye itches!"

Fuck. And that's not all, now that he's hyperaware of his face. Now his NOSE itches.
AND the side of his mouth. AND HIS CHEEK.

"BAKUGOU!" he bellows. "Come back here! You're being VERY rude!"

Stomping footfalls pound down the hallway, and the door swings open, a pool of warm yellow light falling into the room.

"WHAT?" he snarls.
"My face itches! And you chained me up! I thought we were gonna fuck! I'm all hard and drippy and it hurts! Take care of me, damn it!"

Bakugou's eyes widen, and his nostrils flare outward. "Excuse you?"

"You heard me! You can't adopt a pet and then ignore it!"
"Well," he snaps, "/you/ were being an ass!"

"So?! That's no reason to be a bad pet daddy! Now get in here, scratch my face, and then fuck my ass on that dildo!"
Bakugou looks like Kirishima just said the last thing he fucking expected. "Are you /shitting/ me?"

"Are YOU? You're the one who kicked me, dragged me inside your house, and then chained me to a bed! And now you're refusing to fuck me!" He sniffles, like hes trying not to cry.
"Shit. Shit, look, okay." Bakugou comes into the room, closing the door behind him. "I was just tired of you peeping on me, okay?"

"But you called me your pet, and then you ran away!" He keeps sniffling, trying not to let on that he's totally faking.
The blonde reaches for his left ankle. "I'll let you go, okay? Holy fuck. I was just--"

"Don't you /dare/!"


"Don't you dare let me go! Be a man and follow through."

"Weren't you just crying?"

Oh, shit.

He sniffles a bit, but it's too late.
Bakugou obviously knows he's full of shit.

The blonde's hands hover over the chains. "You're such a fucking brat."

"I mean, you could be /fucking/ a brat." He pauses, thinking. "That didn't trace like I thought it would. I meant me. You could be fucking /me/. I'm the brat."
"No shit."

"In this specific scenario, I mean. Maybe not in the next one. I bet you could be pretty bratty, too. I'd fuck you if you were a brat."

"Holy fuck. Do you /ever/ shut up?"

"Make me."


Kirishima beams at him. "You gonna, or what?"
"I wasn't /actually/ planning to. Holy shit. I was just trying to scare you away!"

Kirishima breaks into bubbly laughter. "By kicking me in the face and kidnapping me to use for sex?"

"Yes! That would scare most people, you fucktard!"

He's laughing too hard to reply.
Kirishima's not really sure how long he laughs, but it's a while. At least a minute, maybe more.

By the time he winds down, Bakugou's shoulders are up by his ears, and he looks totally embarrassed.

"S-sorry, dude," he says, chuckling and trying to ignore the fresh pounding.
His face hurts still, and he has to inhale slowly to catch his breath. At last, he says, "But I mean, you were all sexy and smooth earlier. What happened?"

"You! You happened! Ass!"

Kirishima sighs. "Well, train me better. What do you want me to do? Hm?"

"Stop talking!"
He grins. "Then punish me so I stop!"

Bakugou growls and launches at him, slapping a hand over his mouth and leaning in close, hissing, "You think this is some sort of game? It's not! You're a goddamn creep, and I don't want you peeping anymore!"
Kirishima licks his palm, and Bakugou yelps and yanks away, eyes wide.

"No more peeping on just /you/, or...?"

The question seems to trip Bakugou up, and he falls silent, frowning. Finally, he mutters, "Don't peep on anyone else. Just me."
"Ohhh. So I can peep on you all I want?"

Bakugou growls and picks up the silicone dick before shoving it between Kirishima's teeth. "Shut. UP."

And, well, he does. A silicone cock is definitely an effective way to shut someone up.

Too bad it's not in the hole Kiri wants it in.
Bakugou waits, like he's worried that the trick won't work. Once he's sure Kiri's not gonna stop talking again, he mutters, "You need to stop talking so much, you idiot."

Kiri tries to give him his best puppy-dog eyes. He is a pet now, after all.
The other man groans, then reaches forward and slowly runs his palm up and down the exposed side of Kiri's thigh. The blonde closes his eyes and exhales a slow, shaky breath.

/Okay, now I'm like, 85% sure he's a virgin./

Though, with the dildo in his mouth, he wonders+
if Bakugou has a different toy to use on him, or if--

His other hand reaches forward, catching Kirishima's attention as it cups his dick. He's not hard anymore, but that's to be expected after their bickering. It's not like it won't take long to get him stiff again, though.
Bakugou moves his hand in slow, trembling circles.

/Okay, yeah, he's a virgin./

His hand twitches, and Kirishima moans softly, saliva drooling around the dildo between his teeth.

His moan makes Bakugou look up.
He looks like he's nervous, so Kirishima bucks his hips a little. True to his word, he's trying to be a good pet. He wants to show his daddy that he's doing a good job, that his touch feels good.

And it does.

Bakugou's palm relieves some of the pressure Kiri felt before.
Low, hot pleasure curls inside him, and he closes his eyes as he lets the heat build and build. His cock slowly fills, twitching with every rub.
Bakugou watches him with hooded eyes, carefully calculating everything--or, at least, that's what it looks like to Kirishima.

It's hard to tell when all of his blood is rushing to his dick.

He humps upward, whining a little as Bakugou pulls his hand back.
"I'll be right back, you needy fuck," he rasps, standing and leaving Kirishima on the bed--again.

This time, though, he comes back fairly soon. He'sm carrying a pair of nail clippers.

/What the fuck?/

Kirishima doesn't have the opportunity to ask, though.
Bakugou sits back down and uses the clippers to snip at the crotch seam of his sweatpants, and oh, okay. Yeah, that makes sense, kind of.

Once he's cut the seam so that Kiri's sweats are split from ass to just under his cock, Bakugou sets the clippers aside.
He resumes stroking and fondling Kirishima, one hand slipping up the front of his pants to grope his dick. His other hand squeezes its way down the back of his thigh to his ass.

Kirishima groans and tries to wiggle closer.

The other man's hands feel good. Really good.
Even if he's not very practiced at it, the situation as a whole helps. Kirishima leans his head back, letting it thump against the headboard. He pants through his nose as Bakugou slides his erection out from beneath his sweats.
"No underwear. Should've expected that of a fucking perv," Bakugou mutters.

The hand massaging Kiri's ass pulls away, though the one on his cock stays, keeping him distracted enough that he doesn't really pay attention to what the other man's doing.
Then, suddenly, something cold and wet is pressing between his ass cheeks.

Kiri jumps, pulling away, eyes wide. He grunts and shakes his head, trying to imply that Bakugou should warm his fingers up first.

Bakugou ignores him and shoves one finger up his ass.
It's tight and uncomfortable, but doesn't really burn. It's more like... a tension that he's not used to. He shifts uncomfortably and tries to pull away, but Bakugou gets onto the bed and leans over him, forcing him to stay still.
He pulls his hand out of the front of Kirishima's sweats and smirks down as he uses it to trace up his stomach and side, toward his right nipple.

"By the way," he mutters, leaning in, breathing heavily, "you ain't the only one who peeps."

Kiri's eyes widen in surprise.
"Don't look so shocked," he mutters as he pushes a second finger inside Kirishima, curling both and rubbing around his insides. He's obviously trying to find Kiri's prostate, but doesn't know where it's at.

Bakugou continues, "'M just better at not getting caught."
Knowing that the other man peeps on people is kinda of hot, actually. Kiri wonders if he's ever peeped on him, or if--

He groans, hips stuttering upward as far as the chains will allow when Bakugou rubs his prostate.

"Ah. Okay, behind the dick."

Kirishima moans at another rub.
Bakugou pulls his fingers out, and Kiri whines, trying to urge him back inside without words.

"Calm the fuck down. Jesus." He reaches over and pours more lube on his fingers. "Don't wanna hurt you, dumbass."

And, well, he's not wrong. Kiri hasn't seen Bakugou erect, but--
Three fingers sliding inside of him blank his thoughts, and his eyes roll back as he tries to swing himself so he's fucking onto those fingers. They feel so fucking good. Pleasure knots through him, stretching tighter and tighter.
Bakugou's gotten better at finding his prostate and hitting it with every rub. Pleasure mounts, and soon, it's almost like he's on fire internally.

He gives a whimper, trying to let the other man know he's ready to be fucked.

Because if he doesn't get fucked soon...
If he doesn't get fucked soon, he's gonna go crazy. He writhes and humps upward, knowing his eyes are glossy and that he's having troubles focusing on anything other than the pure sensation burning through him, making his toes curl and his insides quiver.
God, he's so close.

He's gonna cum.

He's gonna.

He can't stop himself.

The edge is right there.

So close.

God, he's so high up.

The burn inside him tingles everywhere.

He can't even feel the throbbing in his face anymore.

It's all down in his aching, pounding dick.
His cock twitches, and just as his balls are about to lift and he's about to cum, Bakugou pulls his fingers out.

Kirishima /screams/.

The sound is muffled by the dildo, but it's obvious he's upset.
"Calm the fuck down," Bakugou mutters as he wipes his hand on the duvet.

He stands and shoves his cargo pants down, followed by taking his tee-shirt off.

Kirishima lolls his head to the side, trying to see as much as he can.
Thank god, Bakugou's hard. Really hard. The head of his erection is poking out from the bottom of his black boxer-briefs, and Kirishima wishes he could lick his lips--and then lick that dick.
Then, the boxer-briefs are gone, too, and Bakugou's standing in front of him, completely naked.

Kirishima hums, relaxing as he examines the other man's gorgeous body.

And shit, yeah, he's so beautiful.

He's seen Bakugou naked before, of course. Just never naked and hard.
He has pecs that a Greek god would envy; they're round and firm, and Kiri's pretty sure he can motorboat the crap outta them. He's gonna try, someday. Then he'll slide his own dick between them and fuck those tits until they're soaked with his cum.
Each pec has a perky, round nipple on it, and Kiri wants to suck them both until they're red, swollen, and puffy. He can't wait. He's gonna do that someday, he's sure of it.

Bakugou's wide, strong shoulders taper into a firm back and narrow hips.
His thighs, though narrower than Kiri's, look like they could kill a man just as easily.

Some small part of Kiri wants him to try crushing his head with those thighs.

He stares in silence at Bakugou's cock at last.
It's so fucking beautiful.

He's seen it soft before, and even then, he wanted to rub his face all over it. He wanted to lick it and suck the foreskin and tongue the head.

Now, he just wants that beast inside him.
It hangs hard over a set of swollen, hairy balls, and Kirishima gives another whine, this one more urgent.

Bakugou huffs and grabs the lube, slicking his dick up until it shines in the dim light drifting into the room.

He crawls back onto the bed and angles himself.
His gaze meets Kirishima's, and he leans in, the head of his cock just barely brushing against Kiri's asshole.

"You /ever/ spy on anyone else, and I'll know," he murmurs, "and then I /will/ punish you. I'll steal you and make sure no one ever sees you again. Got it?"
Dear god, /yes/. He nods, eyes wide, hips stuttering downward, legs and arms pulling on the chains as he tries to get closer.

Bakugou smirks, grabs Kiri's hips, and then thrusts inside.
A moan belts from Kirishima's throat, cut off by the dildo gag. He gasps through his nose as Bakugou fills him, pushing deeper and deeper until he bottoms out.

He's so full.

Holy /shit/.

The other man's so thick, so fucking thick that it's making his ass burn.
Bakugou sighs happily, leaning forward and kissing Kiri's temple. "Good boy. Such a good boy."

He beams at the praise, despite the tears pricking at the edges of his eyes. He /is/ a good boy. Even if he got caught peeping and doing something naughty, Kiri is a good boy.
Then, Bakugou begins to thrust. He slides out before pushing back in, fighting the resistance of Kirishima's tight ass.

The pressure earns a deep, rumbling moan.

Bakugou's head tips forward until his forehead is resting against Kirishima's still-clothed chest.
"Christ. Is it al-always this tight?" he mumbles out.

When he realizes Bakugou's actually asking, Kirishima nods. /I'll loosen up soon, though,/ he wants to say, but Bakugou isn't paying attention.

He's more focused on pulling out and pushing back in.
His thrusts start out slow and calculated, but as Kirishima loosens up more and more, Bakugou becomes more confident in his thrusts.

Soon, the bed is rocking, squeaking as the headboard slams against the wall.
"Shit," gasps Bakugou. "Oh my f-fucking god. What the fuck?"

Every word comes out like it might be his last. His compliments and curses are split by panting and grunting, and soon, he has to reach up and grab the headboard to fuck deeper.

"Oh... oh, fuck," he moans.
Kirishima tilts his head back, moaning too, though his sounds are more muffled and choked.

Bakugou grabs the dildo and pulls it from between his teeth before smashing his mouth to Kirishima's, kissing him deep and hard.

A hand grips Kiri's dick, and he scrambles.
The sudden onslaught of sensation is almost too much, and he cums so hard his head sings.

Bakugou breaks the kiss, biting down on Kirishima's neck so hard that he's sure he's going to bruise, if not bleed.

The blonde's thrusts grow wild and shallow.
Just as Kirishima's floating into his post-orgasmic fuzzy mind, he feels Bakugou cum inside him, filling him with hot, wed seed. It drools down his ass and onto the duvet, but he doesn't care.

He's too fucked out to care.
As Bakugou undoes the restraints holding him in place and sets his legs and arms down, Kirishima smiles sleepily.

That was easily the best fuck he's ever had.

The blonde slowly rubs circles into Kirishima's wrists and ankles.

"Aren't you tired?" mumbles the redhead.
"Fuckin' exhausted."

"Then rest."

Bakugou glares at him. "Internet says I gotta take care of you."

He's too tired to laugh, but he kind of wants to. It's cute.

"I'm fine, Bakugou. C'mere."

He huffs and frowns. "Aftercare's important."

A soft hum. "Yeah, but later."
"I ain't a goddamn slacker!"

Kirishima pulls him down so that he's lying on his messy chest. "Shhh. No one said you were. Let's cuddle, okay?"

Bakugou falls silent for a few minutes. He shifts so he's not lying in cum--or anywhere too near it.
A little later, he mumbles, "Still want you to be my pet."

"Okay," Kirishima replies with a yawn.

"And don't fuckin' peep anymore. 'S creepy."

"Thought you peeped too?"

"Yeah, but jus' on you," he replies, voice heavy with exhaustion. "And only 'cause you peeped on me first."
That earns a chuckle that Kiri can't stop. "Oookay. Glad you have solid morals, dude."

"Like you have any right to judge."

He rolls over and snuggles up against the other man.

"Gross! You've got shit all over you!"

"Yeah, well." Another yawn. "Too tired."

"Lemme go!"

"Lemme go so I can clean you, asswipe!"

"Hmm, nah!"

"Kirishima, fucking let go!"

He grins up at the other man. "Naw."

Even when Bakugou shoves his face away with sticky hands, Kirishima holds on tight.
After all, he's been peeping on Bakugou for /years/. He's wanted to kiss the other man for so, so long, and now that they've fucked, there's no way Kiri's ever going to be anyone else's pet.

He'll peep on Bakugou forever, just as long as the two of them get to stay together.
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