Well this is sort of interesting
Calk wants to move venue.
Judge orders parties to meet & confer & then submit a joint letter to include a proposed schedule.
ps make sure you redact the attorney’s DID & email

My dearest Stephen,
did you miss me?
Let talk about what you really want
Evidence obtained a judicially VALID warrant out 😂
You want the Grand Jury Transcripts, out😂
You want ALL coms w/ OCC and PTT, I am deceased😂
SDNY literally ZERO F’s given😂👇🏻😂
Background May 2018
And crushed his hopes & dreams.
It was fun...
Sheesh I forgot about the April 2018 entry and it’s all relevant because the Government just brought out ALL the dirty laundry.
Because I kind of remember saying - can we talk about the Yohai & Manafort Stradella bankruptcy BS...please hold
Stephen totes sorry about the Sec of Army position. Super delicious reading yesterday’s Government Opposition to your nonsense and there on pages 5 thru 8 they particularized STRADELLA.
But I’m just a file folder
(And I’m not enjoying my movie date-Night)
Gawd I’m such a slacker I should probably update this May 2019 entry.
ps I heard that forensic accountant your ex wife hired was brutal.
I also think since the Govt brought up BanCorp you will get a lifetime FDIC ban...soonish.

Oh GOD - Stephen
“applied for and obtained a search warrant for Calk’s cellular telephone...honest services fraud, bank fraud offenses..money laundering offenses in connection with Calk’s solicitation of presidential campaign & administration positions in exchange for the loans’
Quickly goes to Cspan in a hunt to locate raw video footage of Calk at Trump Tower (Jan 2017) for his interview.
LORD the SDNY has a barren field of Fs - they used “solicitation” at least 6xs. Right now I’m crushing on SDNY
My “thots & pears” Stephen😂👇🏻😂
I want to be super clear here - today’s Letter/Motion by the Govt should NOT be used as a cudgel to attack the Govt, Defendant Calk or the House of Representatives. To do so would be intellectually dishonest. So don’t do it - the Govt is RIGHT to file this
Meaning by asking the Court for a Curcio hearing is the AUSA Berman is in fact following the rules & respecting the constitutional rights of Defendant Calk.
Even if there’s NO conflict of interest
Holding a Curcio Hearing this will put Calk “on the record” https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PIKT0ScmKbuWhJkldmSFgHmnKRgFJSsZ/view?usp=drivesdk
Hmmm...I’m not going to offer an opinion or pontificate as to the pro/cons of Calk’s filing.
This is strictly informational
Govt Motion re Curcio Examination - GRANTED
The proposed Curcio (Questions) pages 9 thru 14
Its almost like some rando twitter-er was like (17+ mos ago): OMFG
National Bancorp Holdings, Inc. NAIL HIS A$$ for wire, mortgage & bankruptcy fraud - almost 🙄
No really April 12, 2018 - that card was laid upon the table with authority
But meh...bonbons
USA v Calk Status Conference moved from January 9, 2020 to February 27, 2020
Public drive
USA v Calk - ORDER - parties agreed to “certain” redactions re Evidence (SOP pre-trial process)
Looks like we will soon get to see some of the evidence. And that delights me. Yes I know but Calk is my pet


Public Drive🔻
Interesting so back in December 2019 the FSBank filed a declaration to move the Calk trial from SDNY back to Chicago. Also disclosed that the Govt would seek up to 13 FSBank current & former employees. One of which testified at Manafort’s trial.
There are literally over a dozen filings that have just been uploaded to the USA v Calk docket but I’m also on a 4:45PM deadline, so dissecting likely after COB
I uploaded the declaration 🔻 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1034f0k6HIbVryluWgv7A9bABa3RGfvTL/view?usp=drivesdk
😂😂haaaaallllpppp😂😂 oh GOD I can NEVER unsee that footnote - MY EYES.
FTR this was in fact a matter of contention with Calk & the now Ex Mrs Calk but I don’t tweet divorce papers work
Exhibit A - 83 pages
previously sealed warrant June 2017 USA v Calk
Like I said the defendant by way of counsel uploaded a LOT of exhibits - some of which we haven’t previously reviewed because they were classified as “highly confidential” but as part of Pre-Trial motions are now unsealed.
Give me an hour or so
Paywall 🔻
This is 💥 NEW 💥 I’m going to ask that you be responsible with appropriate redactions.
I believe this is the 1st time we are seeing Manafort & Calk loans in their un-redacted form.
I do NOT condone doxing of any kind -so please be mindful
Exhibit C
Exhibit D - this is the infamous 2016 Summerbreeze mortgages.
This certainly fills in a few holes and explains why both Calk & Manafort put up such a strenuous fight to keep this evidence under seal.
Again please be mindful of PII - not a fan of doxing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TYUOCogs5sH_HkY_t_CKV_dzH4hHr6hc/view?usp=drivesdk
Exhibit E - these are the FS-Bank internal emails.
If my memory serves me correctly in Manafort’s trial his defense attorneys used portions of this to impeach Racio (govt witness)
I never understood why Bruce was never indicted but Yohai is in jail
Exhibit G - is a heavily redacted August 2019 Govt letter to Calk’s Counsel. FWIW this is really SOP during the pre-trial phase. So don’t read too much in to that
Not to sound like an ahole but Calk would be wise to plead out. This is a VERY doc heavy case https://drive.google.com/file/d/18tvT97ARUYZYaq0yc_HHg1WGtAaSUKwg/view?usp=drivesdk
Exhibit H - is a July 2019 letter from the Govt to Calk’s Counsel, again normal during the pre-trial phase
This exhibit is also heavily redacted
I suspect some of the redactions are evidence from Exhibits A-C the various search warrants (see top of thread) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UTL7jlD5HFcz5SVvp5uRmUHqicbhditB/view?usp=drivesdk
Exhibit I - June 2019 letter from Govt to Calk - again also heavily redacted BUT trust me see page 9
My guess is that’s either directly from a 302 or part of a transcript or notes.
Notice the questions about Kushner?
HELL YES - I really do read everything https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KCf-lBxJZQ4o65IRbf4alOqFghQeGY8x/view?usp=drivesdk
Exhibit J - October 2019 Letter from Govt to Calk - again heavily redacted BUT see pages 2 & 3 - PING Kushner again.
I don’t know why but yes this is how I spend my Saturday night <snort>
Although I do wonder WHY the Govt chose to un-redact Kushner “bits”
Exhibit J (Praise sweet baby Jesus) ask yourself why would the include a 2015 Order re Case 2:14-cr-00458-JLL
I can think of a few.

See DOJ link below for Blumberg, Williams, CONVERGEX et al

This concludes your Stephen Calk file transmission - but you should know that last night just before 9PM the following docket entry:
a “sealed document placed in the vault”
I have no idea what that document would be...

-transmission terminated
If Calk was smart - he’d plead out because the government has a crushing amount of documentation and NONE of it is exculpatory.
If Calk gives a shit about his family he would in fact cut a deal but I think he’s deluded enough to think he’ll get a pardon🤦🏻‍♀️
BAWAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHNAHA - so Stephen Calk my little divorced sparrow. Turns out the Court was unpersuaded by your adorable arguments to relocate your criminal trial to Chicago,IL

Public Drive
This will never get old...you enjoy because I’m just sitting here double fisting bonbons in my calorie hole...
Nothing major...the Court reset the time of oral arguments not the date, just the time
Nothing of great importance- just a pretrial scheduling order - a telephonic conference
Oral arguments hearing, reset for April 23, 2020

You should expect a lot of this in the coming days..
Welcome to the NEW Federal Judicial Normal (at least in the short term)
I like the Govt preemptively foreclosing on Calks move to “remote trial” proceedings
I still maintain his best bet is strike up a plea agreement sooner than later.
meh whadda I know
Calk’s docket updated with 3 new filings so apologies for the rapidness of my incoming tweets.
Motion re Discovery - pretty SOP at this stage in the trial
Here I saved ya $.20
Oh...I take that back - looks like there is a problem with discovery. My 1st clue should have been Calk’s invocation of Brady. Calk is pulling a Manafort - how adorable
Read the last sentence carefully
Public Drive
This is a classic defense tactic
If the law isn’t on your side you argue process
If the law & process isn’t on your side, you argue the DOJ prosecutors engaged in gross prosecutorial misconduct
- there is NOTHING in the record to even give a whiff of impropriety by the Govt
Oh COME on - really? Stephen that’s what you’re going with. That your former employees testified at Manafort’s trial and they had immunity?
FFS - I expected better from you.
Page 3 last paragraph CDCA? Lordy that’s NEW-ish
Please let that be Broidy
Calk ignore “rolling basis”- try to paint the SDNY prosecutors as intentionally withholding, I’m inclined to give AUSA Berman’s Office a wide berth. The Govt isn’t obligated to organize doc to your standards
”...bulk of the discovery, some 635,000 documents - 75,000,000 pages..”
I want you to think about it, if Calk claims were with merit why not file Show Cause? Granted that’s how they close their filing but still
Calk is engaging in some extraordinary splitting of hairs because he wants his trial delayed
Here I saved you $1.90
I should be fair, If you take it at face value doesn’t look great for the Govt.
The amount of docs?
DUH we all knew this case would be doc heavy
The excuse that Calk can’t sufficiently defend himself?
Stop with your subterfuge & whining
Notice OCC too😂 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YOtnPzBLGwiWpINFJa9UrdIyooI4fvfx/view?usp=drivesdk
Can’t wait to read the Government’s Oppo & Calk’s response.
It’s kind of weird -I expected Steve-o would broker a plea deal but nope -he wants to go to trial.
USA v Calk - So September 2020 it is

“ORDERED that a jury trial is scheduled to begin on September 3, 2020 “

Strictly informational;
yesterday the Govt filed a memo of law in oppo to “Defendant’s motion for an order compelling the government”
-identify its anticipated trial exhibits
Brady material
trial witnesses
to certify discovery production is now complete.
I wish people would pay attention to this case.
In 2017 I got harassed, I had identified the loans tied to Manafort.
It seems like the Trump @TheJusticeDept is intentionally messing this case up


Here I saved you $1.70
Parties tentatively agree to the proposed schedule;

“....proposed schedule for expert disclosures pursuant to Fed. R. Crim. P. 16(a)(1)(G) and (b)(1)(C)...”

Let’s see how fast @TheJusticeDept FUCKs up this case too
DOJ no longer has any benefit of the doubt.
Barr destroyed the DOJ
Those who suggest otherwise;
I only trust the DOJ‘s FBI
DEA? Fuck no administrative warrants
AUSAs? Fuck No
AG, AAGs? Fuck No
Swear to God if AG Barr instructed @TheJusticeDept to intentionally torpedo this case - then all ducking bets are off.
A plain reading of Calk’s motion - even if <5% is true this is deeply problematic
Here you can pay $.70 or wait for me to upload it
Monteleoni declaration discrepancies:

“government consciously chose to push forward with the search of Mr. Calk’s phone and to disregard what it learned from the TFSB executives. Its decision to prejudge and discount this evidence was at least reckless”
The chance AG Barf may have inappropriately interfered was an over reaching on my part
Court Agreed with Govt that Calk failed:
“justify a Franks hearing, the omissions of which he complains must be “necessary to the judge’s
probable cause finding.”
Here I saved you $.50 - note the Judge’s order it’s in blue text upper left on page 1

“The parties shall file nothing further with respect to this http://motion.So  Ordered. Dated: May 13, 2020 New York, New York” https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mkn64GfYOhKORVkRo3Ypoh3Wk6pVzG4R/view?usp=drivesdk
Yet just a few weeks ago you wanted a continuance to “prepare for your trial” - 􏰁but now you want a modification to go on a family vacation to Hawaii?
YES, seriously Calk allowed to vacation in Hawaii

Remember that the Court has yet to rule on Calk’s motion - he contends that the Government withheld Brady material.
Oral Arguments set (for that matter) July 2, 2020
Hope Calk enjoyed his vacation in Hawaii - and he’ll grace the Court with his telephonic presence

Calk’s Motion to Suppress iPhone evidence, “compel” the Govt to produce Grand Jury Transcripts & produce OCC Coms: DENIED
In 2017 a PITA account said: Manafort & Calk are in deep shit, OCC not playing. Trolls/Stalkers you were wrong, again
Well this was the beltway rumor but now it’s an indisputable FACT:

“Defendant emailed General James Mattis... Trump’s prospective nominee as Secretary of Defense, stating “I believe that Steve Bannon will be speaking to you again about me today”

Manafort Trial FSB witnesses given immunity, a massive records adduced.
I took so much shit (Feb/March ‘17) re Manafort, Calk, FSB & NBancorp Holdings thread
Here the Judge states Calk failed to meet the strict prerequisite criterion for a Franks hearing & S&SW particularized
I don’t think most understand the process
LEO can’t “phone it in”
Can mistakes happen? Sure. A vast majority of the time LEO file a lengthy affidavit to “support” probable cause for a S&SW. If the application is defective a Judge denies it
It’s that simple
-S&SW (execution 6/28/17) supported “by ample documents”
-reason it wasn’t executed on 6/27 “Defendant was not at the expected location”
-omission are not always nefarious
-distinction is materiality, the 6/27 interview wasn’t material
-FSB employees granted immunity to testify
In non-legalese, Calk’s defense strategy:
If the law is not on your side, argue process
If the process is not on your side, discredit the investigators.
If neither are on your side, call the USAO & negotiate a plea
Here I uploaded tonight’s Order & Opinion https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uHSTCVWy-1cMJo_zU1HyA6rovv5g6q1B/view?usp=drivesdk
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