And we're off. New Brunswick here we come.
Off the 1000 Island Parkway
We drove towards the end of the rainbow but didn't find any treasure.
We are done for the night in Montmagny just North of Quebec City. We got the last room in the 4th hotel we checked.
7 hours of driving tomorrow. At least we'll get an earlier start if I can get Hunter and Sarah out of the pool.
Up and out. Had a swim in the pool and waiting for our order at Tim's. Sarah is trying the burger. I haven't told her it's not beef.
Very windy on the St. Laurent
Just purchased beer at a gas station corner store. It's like I'm living in Ontario of the future. Except without the massive payment to the beer store.
Today we crossed the world's longest covered bridge and saw the world's largest axe.
H&S are both asleep. Hunter always goes to sleep early when camping. I think the lack of light really affects him.
World's longest covered bridge
Here is our site tonight at Bay of Fundy National Park. Our neighbours fire is 5 feet away but they are lovely. Older ladies from the US who have been camping since June. One of them drove up from Florida
Birthday twins in the gift shop. We're off to see the flowerpots
We found the ocean
Hunter piled up rocks
Cliff selfy
We thought we would split this fish taco wrap as a snack. It was huge and very tasty. Probably ended up being our lunch.
Education Time!

This is likely the next Hopewell Rock to fall but it's still got a good 60 to 70 years.
More mud. I prohibited them from rolling in it.
Birthday lobster dinner on the beach.
In two minutes, the tide almost covered my statue.
I just moved my chair back from the fire. It's burning real good!

Hunter and Sarah are asleep so time to tweet pictures I couldn't tweet before because of low signal.

Signal is not great here so they may come out tomorrow.
This is how muddy they got. Very very happy and very muddy.
We found a cave
Hunter demonstrating how high the tides get. Seaweed is high tide. Low tide is well below him on the beach
This lobster is 7 pounds. It's a myth that bigger lobsters have less taste. You just need to know how to cook them. At least that's what the lobster woman told us.
Fun fact: lobsters can lose a claw and regrow it.
The lobster on the wall was twenty pounds.

The lobster in the newspaper clipping beside hunter is probably 40 pounds but all they got was the claw in the trap.

Remember the fun fact? She will regrow it.
Here is the newspaper clipping of the CLAW.
I made a little man who disappeared quickly into the tide. It moves fast.
That's it for tonight. See y'all tomorrow
Look how fast the tides come in.
Salmon and pyjamas
Beavertail with pretzels
We found the beach. A very long beach at low tide
No beer on the beach. But what about martinis?
Don't tell anyone but I snuck in beer in a water jub.
Damn. Twitter should run autocorrect when I hit the tweet button.
Earlier today: wow, this firewood is so much cheaper at the New Brunswick provincial park. It was almost $3.00 more at the National park.

Now: fracking wood. It's all damp and won't stay lit.
So dissapointed because we were going to cook on the fire tonight. First time kids cooked on the fire other than hotdogs. Had to abandon it because it kept going out.

Drying wood for tomorrow.
I can hear the wood sizzling as the water evaporates.
We had a great day but our of the campground. I'm glad because when we came back, all the towels and bayhi g suits were still wet. I think it was cold and foggy here all day.

The firewood still sucks but at least the coals are nice.
The day started with an early run in the fog to St. Andrews for Whale watching. The plan was to go whale watching at 10 and come back for a big brunch and then spend the day on the beach.
Ooops. No whale watching until 5:00. We had to decide between coming back to camp and heading out again at 3:00 or hanging around town. Kids decided to hang around town.
Good thing. I met a couple who did head out whale watching at ten and they saw very few whales because of the fog.
So we headed to the aquarium where we saw Loki. A seal that grew up in Storyland in Ontario.
Education Time: we saw them feed the sea horses. When sea horses are down, the leftover food is shot out of a spout on the top of their heads. Sea horses are slow, sensitive to temperature changes, and very sensitive to bacteria. It's amazing they aren't extinct.
I lost some tweets last night. Sorry if they come out twice.
It's the circle of life. On Monday we ate lobsters. Yesterday we fed them.
Lobster fishers bring in brightly coloured lobsters to the aquarium. This one was orange but turned blue when he molted. You can see his old orange shell
Remember that lobsters can grow back a claw? This one did in the last molt.

He is still soft but he eats his old shell to help harden the new one
Vacation ends soon. Nachos and frings for breakfast
And no roadtrip is complete without engine trouble. Luckily it happened near a town. Waiting for the verdict
And the car is ready to go. All we needed to do was contribute to the Woodstock, NB, economy.
It's been over a week since we came back. Half was at the cottage where reception is crap. The other half I was on my back very very sick.

Time to continue the story.
Shark Heads!
I nice bit of lunch by the sea. Sarah and I had fried seafood. Hunter has a seafood salad. Hunter chose wisely.
We are going to find some whales ... On a zodiac!
Sarah liked the Zodiac.

It moved fast and was able to change plans fast and chase where other boats saw the whales.
Thar she blows!!

We saw a few Fin Whales. Second largest whale in the world. 
And then it was time to go home :-(
Hunter and Sarah got hold of my phone and were texting mom pictures.
And that was it. We pushed through on Thursday. Despite the car troubles in Woodstock, we drove the whole 16 hours in one day and got back at 3:00 am.

Hunter and Sarah did amazingly well in the car with no electronics. I highly recommend a camping trip with no electronics.
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