New Q (24 Jul '19): The House Judiciary just embarrassed themselves in front of the nation & Mueller looked absolutely pitiful. Every Dem that questioned Mueller concluded by saying "Noone is above the law." They are right about that! Once Barr declassifies docs: BOOMERANG time!
2. Based on how Mueller is conducting himself today, my guess is he is a puppet. Based on this drop, it appears he tried to replace Comey as FBI Director even though it was not poss. POTUS tweeted about it today. Did he lie? Mueller SC was blockade to cover crimes & remove POTUS.
3. . @Ilhan is a dangerous, lying racist. She thinks white people are the ones who need to be profiled! Pathetic and obvious projection. Way to go, @QAnonPastryChef!
4. Oh, snap!! POTUS tweeted "TRUTH IS A FORCE OF NATURE!"

"(deep state) the storm is upon us"'s a link to a page not yet created!
5. Now everyone is editing that Wiktionary "force of nature" page!
6. Admin for that "force of nature" Wiktionary page has locked down that page and deleted the 4th definition: "(deep state) the storm is upon us" and all the additional definitions added by anons...but Q's message was clear!
7. The Great Awakening = backchannel to public. To "aid in the construction of a vehicle (a ‘ship’) that provides the scattered (‘free thinkers’) with a ‘starter’ new social-networking platform which allows for freedom of thought, expression, and patriotism or national pride."
8. Outstanding work! When anons/autists dig, they find gems like THIS which shows who the REAL racist is here. Nice to see this dig made it into Fox News' site. Won't hold my breath that NYT, WaPo, or any of the other fake news outlets will cover this.
9. This 31 Aug '18 drop reminds us how FISA warrants on Manafort, Papadopoulos, Page, & Gen FLYNN (only name in all caps) were used to spy on others (leapfrog to isolated "REAL" targets in Trump campaign). UK assistance (FVEY) provided cover for bulk collection of all targets.
10. Q team refreshing our memory on what was covered in June '18 IG Midyear report which showed the connections btwn FBI, DOJ, & media, and who has been fired/forced out. Those individuals all involved in FISA abuse which will be revealed in DECLAS, Comey report, Horowitz report.
11. Q posted a larger image of the FBI Chain of Command for the IG's Jun 2018 Midyear Investigation, most of whom have been forced out/fired. DECLAS will show their role in the FISA abuse = treason. They tried to remove a Duly-Elected President.
12. Bruce Ohr working to save Nellie (CIA) & cooperating w/Horowitz (who can't subpoena Bruce or Nellie as civilians). Nellie has op research on @FLOTUS & POTUS' children. Fox News reached out to Nellie's lawyer to see if subpoena needed for her research.
13. As part of Gang of Eight (Intel), Schiff KNOWINGLY leaked clsfd info to MSM. DECLAS will show he lied re: proof POTUS colluded w/Russia. Threats of indicting his children was "insurance" against DECLAS.
14. 9 Aug '18 drop shows all parties involved in the Spy Op vs candidate/President Trump. It shows it went all the way to the top of the Hussein Admin. Once DECLAS is made public, this drop will be irrefutable proof to the world that Q team is legit.
15. Clapper & Lynch signed this doc giving mbrs of the IC access to raw NSA data. This expansion was done prior to POTUS' inauguration. This is what enabled C_A & others to spy on Trump campaign (& many others). It's declassified!
16. This site "IC on the Record" was established as Hussein, Clapper, Lynch, and gang were on their way out. The EO was signed on 3 Jan 2017.
17. This was predictable. Different stories fm different sources. Two sources said he tried to hang himself, one said injuries were not serious; that it was Epstein's ploy to get transferred, one said assault by another inmate. Now on suicide watch at MCC.
18. Power outage was on 13 Jul. It was tied to Epstein & "POWERful" people trying to eliminate a "LIABILITY". This latest incident is reported to have occurred "some time in the last two days". Was this a 2nd attempt or is timing inaccurate in this story?
19. Adding @JuliansRum's thread here. I would think someone so central to this massive web of powerful, evil people he was blackmailing would be isolated to prevent his being "suicided".
20. ABC's article re: contractor who worked for Epstein said the bldg on the island was a gym.
Thanks to "Rusty Shackleford" & his hi-def drone footage (that @THEHermanCain tweeted about today), we see a bed & scaffolding inside.
21. Adding @RodSneaky's tweet to this thread to solicit your thoughts. I believe he's onto something here.
22. @ChristinePolon1 found 3 consecutive mentions of "Knowingly" in EO 12333 (expanded access to raw NSA data). Section X: Definitions: "Agents of a Foreign Power". Q indicates she's on the right track. Expanding my thinking will have to wait 'til tomorrow! Brain is tired. 😴
23. Forgot to include her tweet in my prev post (#22 this thread). Way to go, @ChristinePolon1!
24. @Courtiah22 points out the discrepancy between ABC saying the building on Epstein's island is a "gym" and Inside Edition saying it's a "music room where Epstein played the piano". Clearly they didn't get the 4am Mockingbird Media talking point on this.
25. We can rule out attempted suicide. Epstein is appealing the decision re: no bail. He wouldn't try to kill himself when he hasn't yet received a ruling on his appeal.
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