hot weather tips for confused, sweaty brits (from one who's survived 3 summers in austria):
run cold water on the inside of your wrists for a minute or so. it cools your blood which in turn cools your body as it moves around.
cross drafts are your friend: open windows and doors on opposite walls to get air moving through the room.
fill an old spray bottle with water and spritz your skin.
find your nearest free-to-enter places that have air con (supermarkets, shopping centres) or big old brick walls (museums, churches). Or pay to watch a film at the cinema as a last resort.
if you're sitting in a chair (watching tv or working at a desk) put some cold water in a washing up bowl and dunk your feet. Remember to grab a towel first!
put ice (or a bottle of frozen water, or damp washing) in front of your fan so it the air it moves is cooler and not as dry.
sleep on or under a damp towel. hug a bottle of cold water.

good luck.
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