As promised, here's my thread of resources for learning Linux (Linux/bash/command line). Every resource I used was free 😀
(I just wanted to learn linux for fun since i kept hearing about it; the LPI Linux Essentials exam was the right exam for me)
1) My #1 favorite was the Linux courses on @CiscoNetAcad site. I did NDG Linux Unhatched (beginner) then NDG Linux Essentials (intermediate) 
START HERE!! I CANT RECOMMEND THESE 2 COURSES ENOUGH. create an account and get to learning. IT'S EASYYYYYY!!
Those 2 courses ALONE will teach you a lot. but when learning something new or studying for a cert/exam, it's best to use multiple resources.
2) youtube. these folks have "linux for beginners" type playlists: thenewboston, Guru99, FactorPad, theurbanpenguin, & tutoriaLinux
now, why did i take the LPI Linux Essentials exam instead of Comptia Linux+ ???
1) PRICE: $120 (for LPI) versus $438 or $319 (for comptia)
2) MATERIAL: Linux Essentials is like the lil baby, entry level linux exam. The CompTia Linux+ & LPI LPIC-1 exams are deeper & more advanced
So that's pretty much it. i gave yall my resouces, and told yall why i chose 1 exam over the others. after i found out about the exam, i studied hardcore for 2 months.
if you ever see anyone asking about learning linux, just redirect them to this thread. hope this helps someone.
Here's another Linux resource I used a while back from @CumulusNetworks. Here's the link. Scroll to the bottom to Technical Videos. This is especially useful for folks interested in network configuration (like Network+, CCNA, & JNCIA folks 😉)
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