1. Dear @mjfree (Morgan Freeman), you've inspired me to action! Instead of following blindly, I decided to test your statement. Perhaps you'll be interested in what I found? I know I was shocked, for sure! Lets start clear back in 1976, 43 years ago for mathematically challenged. https://twitter.com/mjfree/status/1150481388191264771
2. "Established in 1969 as highest recognition for distinguished service at National Jewish Health, the annual Humanitarian Award has been earned over the years by the following volunteers."


Trump's donations to National JEWISH Health earned this award.
3. "...were privileged to present the JNF's most covetous award, the "Tree of Life Award" to Donald Trump in appreciation of his outstanding dedication to the cause of American-Israeli friendship and for his support of Israel."

At the TOP of the wall...

4. "The Ellis Island Medals of Honor embody the spirit of America in their celebration of patriotism, tolerance, brotherhood and diversity. They recognize individuals who have made it their mission to share with those less fortunate..." DJT awarded 1986.

5. June 6th, 1995. Trump is the VERY FIRST recipient of the Freedom Foundation's President's Medal. He received this honor for his support of Police Activities League and inner city youth in Pennsylvania. https://www.newspapers.com/image/?clipping_id=28799230&fcfToken=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJmcmVlLXZpZXctaWQiOjE3ODE3Njk5NiwiaWF0IjoxNTYzMTY0NTY2LCJleHAiOjE1NjMyNTA5NjZ9.a04wp1VF_I07c8wu-2jFWOJoXcOXZZpEobSF3wRLMFo
6. March 24th, 2007, Donald Trump receives the "Muhammad Ali Entrepreneur Award" for his dedication to the less fortunate and minority groups while successfully establishing a vibrant business that enhances the communities it does business with.

7. "The Unicorn Children’s Foundation 10th Anniversary Gala...surpassed its $1,000,000 goal during a spectacular evening under the stars at the legendary Mar-A-Lago...Donald J. Trump...recipient of the Unicorn Children’s Foundation Shining Star Award,..."

8. In 2010, "The prestigious Annual Palm Tree Award is in recognition of individuals that have demonstrated selfless support of the Palm Beach Police Foundation and the Palm Beach Police Department."

Trump helps everybody, even the police. https://www.palmbeachpolicefoundation.org/palm-tree-award 
9. "Martinez presented Donald Trump with LIFE’s Presidential Hero Award, a crystal bowl also designed by Tiffany & Co. The award was given to Trump for his service to LIFE and his efforts on behalf of the American Veterans Disabled for Life Memorial."


He's a STRONG proponent of the military. https://web.archive.org/web/20150819164943/http://www.mc-lef.org/events/
12. "“No president in history has ever built such an alliance for the State of Israel and the Jewish people, and no president has courageously stood up for the State of Israel on the global stage as you had Mr. President,” Evans declared at the ceremony."

13. "An Israeli organization said Wednesday it has minted a coin bearing President Donald Trump's image to honor his recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital. The Mikdash Educational Center said the "Temple Coin" features Trump alongside King Cyrus.."

14. "Top Israeli football team adds 'Trump' to their name in honour of US President ahead of embassy move - In a statement, the club said: 'President Trump has shown courage and true love of the Israeli people and their capital'"

16. Mr Freeman, to make the incredulous claims you've made about POTUS, you're going to have to work VERY hard to explain away some VERY prestigious and important foundations and an entire race of people...who've recognized @realDonaldTrump as a man of compassion and integrity.
17. Over the past 40 years Trump has been recognized REPEATEDLY by civil rights leaders, inner city youth programs, police departments, Wounded Warriors, Israel and more for his generous support. Are you going to impugn the integrity of so many organizations and their choices?
19. Mr Freeman, please remove your post. It took me less than 10 minutes to find all these awards given to @POTUS which directly refute the idea that he is racist or a bigot.

May God touch your heart.

Thank you again for inspiring me, I learned a lot tonight!

(18. CORRECTED) Posts like this Mr. Freeman are for the weak minded, the uninformed, the easily manipulable. It's sad because you have a large following, many of whom are highly impressionable and will swallow this dishonest and uninformed claim you've irresponsibly shared.
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