Gonna start a thread of Frank Lampard being shit this year, starting with this 😂😂😂 #FatFrank #obsessed https://twitter.com/ChelseaFC/status/1149056039737839616
“Solid 90 minutes of fitness work”. This is gonna be a good season #StopCryingFrankLampard #FatFrank
Ah now this is funny. Fat Frank introduces himself to Premier League management by being knobbed 4-0 by a team coached by a man who won’t leave his car in a parking space because it used to be “the gaffer’s”. We do losing 4-0 to Man U too by the way #StopCryingFrankLampard
So close but yet so far for Fat Frank. Nearly got his first win but hey ho. Suppose that serves him right for thinking that Tammy Abraham is a top 6 striker. And for being a lying cheat. Better luck next time, might scrape a draw v Leicester #StopCryingFrankLampard
Must admit this is going better than I expected. Fat Frank still looking for his first win as Chelsea manager after throwing away another lead at Stamford Bridge. Not quite the homecoming he had in mind. Ah well, to the buffet #StopCryinhFrankLampard
When you scrape a draw at home to Leicester #StopCryingFrankLampard
Early on and may regret this, but wouldn’t it just be the best yet #StopCryingFrankLampard
Ah well. We go again.
Stop the world. I want to get off. Chris Sutton đŸ€Ż
Big fucking lols. Can always rely on Fat Frank to counter a Leeds loss with something even worse. Chucking away a 2 goal lead against shite like Sheffield United. Back to the drawing board knobhead.
No shit Sherlock.
Oh no. Looks like Fat Franks Champions League Masterplan hasn’t got off to the best of starts
“We do not winning at home too you know” #StopCryingFrankLampard
Can’t comment on 3 pissed up Derby players drink driving, as it’s not his problem, but can comment on Bielsa winning a fair play award. Never fails to amaze the fat prick #StopCryingFrankLampard
Quiet recently but fuck me, this is grim
Frankies at the wheel, tell me how good does it feel. Put a call into your old pal Keogh, heard he’s looking for a job.
Please be 7 #FatFrank
Ffs don’t be pricks @AFCAjax
Wankers. Bottleless wankers.
Imagine not beating 9 men at home. Absolute shite. Media will spin it to make Fat Frank look like prime Guardiola #StopCryingFrankLampard
“And then I saw him with his pliers, after the police stopped our training session”
Ah it’s good to be back. Duncan Ferguson is officially a better manager than Fat Frank
Another one
Bayern putting 8 past Chelsea 💉💉💉
Keep this going. Had to scroll down a few pages of Fat Frank being an abysmal manager to add a new tweet. This one is courtesy of @sam_r14 and it highlights how far Chelsea have fallen. Merry Christmas you fat prick.
Fat Frank really doing his best to bring joy back to football for me this last week. Not content with losing to that shite that is Newcastle, he follows it up with an even funnier 2-2 against 10 man Arsenal. Don’t let him take your dog for a walk #cantholdontoalead
“We do missing fuckloads of chances too you know”
“He’ll play the youth, we won’t even need any signings” #rattled
There are gonna be a LOT of tears tonight. #StopCryingFrankLampard
When Ole is doing the double over you it’s probably best to sack it off.
Poor Hakim must have had 7 rounds with Tyson on Saturday night instead of Deontay. Bless him.
Super Frankie Lampard. Back to the buffet.
Bournemouth are good....
“When you realise you’re a shit manager but need a good soundbite to keep the fans happy” 💉💉💉💉
It’s funny now, but just imagine Fat Frank’s cousin not wanting to sign Coutinho just because he might make stop Mason Mount going from shit to slightly below average.... https://twitter.com/skysportspl/status/1253284987362783233?s=21 https://twitter.com/SkySportsPL/status/1253284987362783233
“Frank Lampard is a lying, fat crying baby”
Uh ohhhhh
Merse been on the gin again
Hahahahaha the man is just the gift that keeps on giving 😂😂😂
Doing his best bless him.
Too easy I’m sorry
When you hear Marcelo is coming to school you again #STOPCRYINGFRANKLAMPARD #PUMPITUP
Aye just the 36 points Frank, a very fine line indeed
A big welcome to @LFC fans joining the thread, working out that Fat Frank is just a bit of a prick #lfc
Apparently it’s “not the way we do it over here”. #stopcryingfranklampard
“Well done Frank, you won, enjoy the Champions League. I hope you get battered every week. Dear lord what a sad little life Frank. Now take 4th place and get off my thread. Prick.” #StopCryingFrankLampard
Late to that party lads. Might start a sub-thread of the english media getting themselves into a tizz over a man taking a team from 3rd to 4th and then spending 250m....
Uncle Harry and his band of merry men
Well that’s it, season done and what a huge success it’s been for #FatFrank. Took his team from 3rd to 4th, butchered the Champions League, bottled a lead in the FA Cup final, and cried to every single manager about celebrating. Chins up. We go again.
Oh hang on, season isn’t done, we’ve got a mauling in Munich next week. Viva La Frank
5-0 down and crying about VAR. Never change Frank xx
Facts. https://twitter.com/UTDTrey/status/1296748206819246080
When will it stop đŸ˜©đŸ˜©đŸ˜© https://twitter.com/ScrutinyVideo/status/1298940478805741574
Haven’t even started the new season and he’s crying again. Pressures on Frankie boy...
...... https://twitter.com/goal/status/1305408195691794432
Just making sure we all know that Frankie will cry about that red card, win lose or draw....
If my auntie had bollocks she’d be my uncle.
Conceding 3 goals to West Brom is a sackable offence on its own. Buying off VAR to scrape a draw is just as bad. Stop Crying Frank Lampard.
Love. To. See. It.
“Credit to Frank, he really treated the Carabao Cup with the respect it deserves. Should have gone through instead of Spurs Reserves”

When will this guy get called out for what he really is. #COYS
Been a while (thanks to an international break) but we’re back. £250m spent and concede 3 at home to Southampton. They’re not a patient bunch at Stamford Bridge Frankie, best get packing xxx
Never let Fat Frank take your dog for a walk? Man can’t hold onto a lead 🩩🩩🩩
250m to be played off the park at home to Sevilla. Class.
Jesus, he’s just fucking shit isn’t he.
Aye, any other manager would’ve been sacked 6 months ago. https://twitter.com/TeleFootball/status/1321174163739037696
No shit Sherlock https://twitter.com/SkySportsPL/status/1338797197622616066
We’re back babyyyyyyyyyy. Last Christmas I gave you my heart, but the very next day, you gave it away. This year, to save me from tears, I’ll give it to s̶o̶m̶e̶o̶n̶e̶ ̶s̶p̶e̶c̶i̶a̶l̶, P̶o̶n̶t̶u̶s̶ ̶J̶a̶n̶s̶s̶o̶n̶, Pedro Neto
This ones for @HarryClark_123
Fatty at the wheel...
Should probably change his style of play...
A LOT of tears from Franky today, tactics when they win, players when they lose.
Who’s fault is this then Frank? Players? Covid? God forbid, tactics? Anyway, we do getting battered in the Premier League too, enjoy the Bournemouth job next season xxx
Christ, if this is Bielsa he’s getting called out left right and centre by the gammons. Where are they now? This is a shambles.
This is where the thread bangs https://twitter.com/TheAthleticUK/status/1345797992532602882
Surely. Surely this is it. I mean I hope not, they’re fucking shit, but he’s got to be gone.
Credit to the man, he’s made some really really good players look really really shit.
Congratulations to Frank Lampard, winner of the “we beat Leeds” trophy. https://twitter.com/SkySports/status/1351661386078760960
Tactical genius. End of discussion.
ÂŁ220m https://twitter.com/optajoe/status/1353642917466943489
“I just think it’s ridiculous, you see clubs like Arsenal and Man United give managers time and look at how they’ve turned it around, for me Frank can feel hard done by”

*every English football pundit at about 2pm*
So it begins https://twitter.com/garylineker/status/1353649225393958913
Ladies and Gentlemen....we got him đŸ‘ŒđŸœđŸ‘ŒđŸœđŸ‘ŒđŸœ https://twitter.com/chelseafc/status/1353665331731066887
You can follow @BenjiDixon17.
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