WARNING! GRAPHIC IMAGES! Now that the world is waking up to the the fact that pedophilia is a mainstream epidemic, normies need to see how they flaunted under the guise of art. These pics are disturbing and there’s a lot...
...of symbolism in the art and photographs. Red shoes, butterflies, owls, goats, etc. Panda is a disturbing term. (Look it up) If you zoom in, some things become more visible. WARNING: DISTURBING IMAGES!
The pics of them running through the woods is an example of what they call a “hunt”. Kids are forced to run through the woods, naked, in the dark and try to hide. The adults hunt for them, rape them when found and it’s repeated all...
...night long. After they’re raped, they are set free to try and hide again. This is repeated over & over. They are are continually raped & abused, living in terror all night long. At the end of the hunt, they are sacrificed.
Disturbing fact: Ever wonder why they like to reference rabbits when it comes to pedophilia? Besides the sexual vigor, rabbits have been know to EAT THEIR YOUNG.
One of the reasons the like to use rabbits in their symbolism? Besides sexual vigor, they have been known to eat their own young.
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