What is Bacha bazi? It’s a world where children are sex objects, and it’s a world where, often, the only escape is death. When the dancing concludes, the boy is then sold to the highest bidder, or shared among the most powerful men for sex. @VOL4KIDS
The bacha bazi culture is filled with expolitation, violence, rape and even murder, if a boy crosses his master or tries to escape the bacha bazi world. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/dancingboys/etc/script.html
Since women are not allowed to dance in public in the Islamic world, boys can be made to dance in women's clothing. Rustam Qobil of the BBC World Service describes a scene at a wedding party in a remote village in northern Afghanistan:
There is no sign of the bride or groom, or any women, only men. Some of them are armed, some of them are taking drugs. Almost everyone's attention is focused on a 15-year-old boy. He's dancing for the crowd in a long and shiny woman's dress, his face covered by a red scarf.
Obama, on a mission to turn America into a queer nation, ordered the military to look the other way when they saw young Afghan boys being sexually abused and violated by Islamic pedophiles. Most members of the military refused to obey that evil order,
factor that made Waheed easy to take on as a bacha bazi, or a boy for pleasure: “He doesn’t have a father, so there is no one to stop this.”
Many consider Desmond’s entire act to be little more than child abuse and exploitation by unscrupulous adult handlers. The controversy surrounding Desmond reached another level when a video of him dancing at a gay bar for tips surfaced online.
In Afghanistan, mothers sell out their sons for financial gain in order to survive, what is the reason that Desmond’s mother is selling out her son to these men? Financial again!?!
“The greatest charity one can do to another is to lead him to the truth.” -St. Thomas Aquinas https://fellowshipoftheminds.com/bacha-bazi-muslim-man-boy-pedophilia
Bacha bazi isn’t just a homosexual practice, it is pederasty 👉🏻outright pedophilia!Even worse, bacha bazi is really a form of boy-prostitution and often coerced. Do you still wonder why the Left in America and the West have made a tacit alliance with Islam?
Lord Jesus, we pray that we may become as pure, as innocent and as humble as children, with no evil, impurity and vengeance in our hearts. May we be excellent examples of godly men and women to children who are in our care. May we nurture and bring them close to You,
as they become the future generation of the world and a blessed people of Your Kingdom! In your name WE Pray, 🙏🏻 amen. @VOL4KIDS @Jasmine8137488 #dragonsden #ARIELSARMY Dedicated to making the World a Better place for our Youth & Safer Social Media. @POTUS 🙌🏻❤️✝️🇺🇸
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