Quick reminder: Trump was rejected when trying to build a casino here in Sydney because of his “mafia connections”.

Atlantic City was deemed a “dubious model” by the Police Board.

We know human trafficking and the Russian mafia are linked, so such connections are red flags.
Let’s go through the source. This is paperwork from the New South Wales state government back in the 80s.

@australian published it after the confidentiality period elapsed.

Basically, Trump didn’t pass a background check (!!!).

I think this is all still relevant.
Here it is recommended that Trump’s bid be eliminated from consideration.
Here we have the methodology used to determine that Trump’s bid is “unacceptable”.
There are also doubts expressed about the “financial viability” of Trump’s bid.
Police Board: “Atlantic City would be a dubious model for Sydney and in our judgement, the Trump Mafia connections should exclude the Kern/Trump consortium.”
Along with two other contenders, Trump’s bid is considered “dangerous”.

The Police Board is “firmly” of this view due to failure to pass the “tests of sound repute, probity and integrity”.
Back to $ (re: Trump bid only):

“... the projected casino revenue estimates are not soundly based and the quantum of the potential overstatement is so material that the tender is not financially viable.”

What a surprise.
In summary:

• Trump has mafia connections per NSW police report (this appears to be a matter of fact, not opinion)
• Trump talked up the revenue of his proposed casino but was full of sh*t, basically
• Ergo, Trump got rejected
You can spin it all you wantD MAGATs, but your guy COULDN’T PASS A BASIC BACKGROUND CHECK in Australia in the 1980s.

He’s a crook, a liar and he hangs with scum. Nothing can change that.

In light of recent developments re: Epstein, this info is more pertinent than ever.
Context for the above story: the lede from "Gold Coast Roulette" (Canberra Times, 8 Sep 1985).

Organised crime had been a broader concern re: casinos in Australia in the 80s (as it is pretty much anywhere) before Trump turned up.
This, btw, is the scariest photo of Trump I've ever personally seen.

GTFO of my country you incompetent orange tw&t.

Sorry this thread is kinda stream of consciousness ... I'm just digging.
So, another tangent, but the construction company (Kern Corporation) Trump paired up with in 1987 went into receivership in 1991. There's nothing to suggest any links to org crime or Trump then. Just noting it for the record.

(And of course Trump would pick this one.)
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