Infinite game-ing is about playing with frames

School is a very rigid frame that trains people to think and work within a fixed frame

When people first start experimenting with frames, it looks dumb and we make fun of them

When they get good at it we call them geniuses
One of the things I love most about @sharanvkaur is her utter disregard for inherited frames. She just casually reframes things all the time
A common “failure” mode for beginners and amateurs first starting out is to violate frames for violation’s sake - this is also how/why young people exercise their sovereignty by making bad or damaging decisions. It might be a stupid frame but it’s *their* frame
The challenge for artists is not merely to screw around with frames (though perhaps that’s a necessary transitory phase) but to find novel, interesting, compelling frames

good frames evoke The Quality Without A Name, bad frames suppress it
Truly, deeply experimenting with frames can be a disorienting experience. Some people think that most people can’t handle it. I don’t know. Maybe. I believe anybody can get better at it. Total disorientation can be blissful or terrifying, even both
We aren’t in conflict, our frames are. The idea that we are not our frames, again, often seems to terrify or scandalize people who have been conditioned to identify with them
A common mistake finite players make when encountering infinite players is to say “wow best frame ever” or “wow worst frame ever” - both of these attempt to pull the infinite player into the finite world. If the infinite player is smart & secure, she will laugh and keep playing
One of the games I‘m playing on Twitter is to seek out as many other infinite players as I can. Every time an additional infinite player joins a game, the game gets more interesting. A handful makes a scene. Infinite-player scenes invent the future

But the play is the point
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