**Thread** Advice for NQTs (& others) applying for primary teaching jobs this summer on cover letters & SAF from a principal's perspective 🚨 SPOILER ALERTS🚨 These are just opinions & there is no charge unlike influencer Instagram accounts! #soapbox @PrimEdTeacher #edchatie
2. 🚨PREAMBLE🚨 Employers have criteria to shortlist for positions. Primary criteria - qualifications, TC reg., vetting & docs requested.Secondary criteria - class experience, specific subject exp, extra-curricular area etc. You can't have everything for every school.
3. 🚨COVER LETTER 🚨 This is condensed version of SAF. One page long max. Rough para structure-
1. Position applied for
2. Academic qual-college, results, placements
3. Education Exp.-settings, classes,SET, interventions used
4. Per. interests
5. School knowledge *important*
4. 🚨SAF DETAILS OF QUALIFICATIONS🚨 List all undergraduate & post graduate qualifications, with most recent first
5. 🚨SAF TEACHING COUNCIL REGISTRATION SECTION🚨 Complete in full and honestly. If incomplete, the application may be rejected. If NQT and unsure of any details for completion in sections, contact @TeachingCouncil for advice
6. 🚨SAF TEACHING EXPERIENCE SECTION🚨 Here, list any substitute teaching work or work experience in schools. If you don't have any, write N/A in top blank cell and delete cells below.
7. 🚨SAF TEACHING PRACTICE GRADES SECTION🚨 Complete all sections. List spread of class levels, multi class (if taught) & SET placements. This section is important for NQTs. It is the closest to actual teaching experience. If successful, school will want SP grades. Be truthful!
8. 🚨SAF RELEVANT NON ACCREDITED COURSES SECTION🚨 Here list any college elective courses and any other college cpd on PLC, Mata sa Rang etc, as well as any other education related courses such as first aid, ICT courses, youth coaching, music, speech & drama etc. completed.
9. 🚨SAF SPECIAL INTEREST SECTION🚨 *V. IMP.* Gives you a chance to sell yourself with curric. related interests. List 5 max I suggest & include 1/2 core subjects (Eng, Gaeil, Maths) & others. Structure in boxes is 1. What you did 2. What you learned 3. How it relates to position
10. 🚨SAF OTHER RELEVANT EMPLOYMENT SECTION🚨 List relevant work with children in non ed. setting (s. camp etc.) & other p. time work with most recent first. I personally love a NQT candidate who worked throughout college. Shows good time management, work ethic and people skills.
11. 🚨SAF EXPERIENCE/SKILLS SECTION🚨 Don't write a thesis here 😱. Use short paragraphs or bullet points to make any other points about yourself such as time management, organisational skills, people skills etc. Give a sense of the type of person you are.
12. 🚨SAF ETHOS SECTION🚨 Important depending on type of school applying to. If @CatholicPrimary @AFPatrunachta @cnsireland @EducateTogether or other patron, research what makes them different & include. Be careful to change with multiple applications. Nothing looks worse 😱
13. 🚨SAF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION🚨 Again brief and to the point. A condensed version of why you are applying to the school. Schools like to see research into their own school so reference to recent WSE, policies, news etc. (source on school website) can go here or cover letter.
14. 🚨 SAF REFEREES SECTION🚨 3 sufficient. Ask pr./teacher where you completed recent placements/subbing. Also community/ex. curricular ref. College lecturers yes but can be hard to contact. List mobile numbers. *Ask for permission*. Again, nothing worse to hear you hadn't 😱
15. 🚨SAF FINALLY, FINALLY 1. 🚨 Spelling & punctuation is v. important. Selection panel shortlisters are quite sad in this regard. πŸ˜‰ Mistakes get noticed. (Principal not principle, wrong school stated, wrong ethos stated...... I could go on πŸ™„). Eliminate excess text cells.
16. 🚨SAF FINALLY, FINALLY 2.🚨 Get someone in education (colleague, tr./princ. from placement/ lecturer to read over app & provide honest feedback. Pester because it is worth it. Put the time into it that it deserves. Best of luck. Have to go. Even principals watch @LoveIsland
You can follow @DonegalPaul9.
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