The amount of latent racism that has surfaced in Sri Lanka during the past two months is not newly created. Its a result of decades of economic envy fuelled by the introvert nature of most communities. Biggest culprit is an archaic education system and syllabus.
Social mobility envy on the part of some of the Sinhalese that the power structures since 1956 capitalised in (thr Bandaranaike were great at this) were leading drivers of conflict for the four Eelam Wars.
This was since the 2000s replaced by economic and social envy. Some of the biggest players in the Sri Lankan family owned business circles being Muslims was hard to digest. The SinBudNat politicians fed off this, adding socialism to foster a sense of entitlement.
The manifestation of all that is what we have today in terms of a mainstream political movement that is inward looking and crony capitalist; a SinBudNat business class that fears competition and loves protectionism; and a mass populous that wants the state to deliver welfare.
Which brings us to what these people are: they are nationalist socialists, looking for a nationalist social party to set up a perceived master race.

These are Nazis.
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