The truth is, if you want a healthy loving relationship it'll never look like what you've been programmed to see it as...
Many of us lose out on being in a healthy loving relationship full of growth and development because we're constantly told how it should look...
Most public representations of a healthy loving relationship are bullshit and omit the tension and pressure because people don't like to hear about it 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️
We're obsessed with the fluff and fairy tales but most healthy loving relationships weren't always healthy and loving. Growth was required. They were worked on. Devotion and stability was required
We cheat ourselves out of growth and development and unconditional love because we give up so easily on each other expecting what we see on social media and expecting each other to be perfect
Nobody comes pre-installed with the ability to love you the way you need to be loved. In most cases we learn as we go. Hell in most cases our partners are still learning how to love THEMSELVES. LOL. Let's be real here.
Unconditional love isn't about changing people or finding that perfect match. No. It's really about accepting your lover. As you learn to accept your lover and you both get through the tension and pressure together, this creates the strong bond. Unbreakable 🌹🕊🔥❤️
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