Al Qaeda and the #Taliban
"Foreign fighters continue to operate under the authority of the Taliban in multiple Afghan provinces at undiminished levels," the United Nations' Analytical Support and Sanctions Monitoring Team's report states.
"The #Taliban extended hospitality, but insisted on guarantees that Bin Laden refrain from issuing incendiary messages and from engaging in terrorist activities while in the country. He repeatedly agreed and broke his pledge just as frequently."
"The last thing #Taliban would want, should it take over Afghanistan, is an active terrorist group continually drawing fire from the outside. Moreover, unlike #AlQaeda, Taliban has an extremely localized perspective and would be primarily concerned with governing #Afghanistan"
. @CBSNews reports that #Taliban spox @suhailshaheen1 refused to accept that #alQaeda was behind the September 11th attacks.

However, @suhailshaheen1 rejects this claim and says his words "are taken out of context"
Well, this is confusing.
It's good for CT efforts against the #ISIS, at the same time not good for the #Taliban assurances against #AlQaeda in #DohaTalks.. Also, it means #Haqqani N is still too effective in Taliban-Qaeda relations. This isn't good either
. @TOLOnews : Khalilzad says the US came to #Afghanistan because of the attack on the United States by #alQaeda and that the US wants to make sure groups like this are no longer operative on Afghan soil.
"There's nothing in the agreement that prohibits Washington from exercising the right of self-defense, and Taliban should be under no illusions about the willingness of Trump—or any future US president—to authorize the full weight of the US military if the situation requires it."
Here come good resources:
“Groups like #alQaeda were relying on protection afforded by the #Taliban, but with the Taliban [having been] negotiating peace with the #US, they have doubts. Now #ISIS seems to be the only credible option to retain some safe haven in #Afghanistan.”
❗️A senior #Balochistan govt official said there were reports of meetings between #ISIS & #alQaeda: “Al-Qaeda is down but not out. It still poses a significant risk. At the very least, they seem 2B working towards launching a common front against #Taliban
The provincial government released several photos taken in the aftermath of a raid against a hideout of the #AlQaeda terrorist network in southern #Helmand province.
NDS statement:
MoD statement:
On the discussions about current #Taliban ties with #AlQaeda:
I don't get the point of such articles. Breaking the ties with the Al Qaeda is one of the promises that the Taliban would make with the peace agreement. As there is no agreement yet, there's also no promise.
"The #Taliban still hasn’t broken with #alQaeda"
. @BRRubin says "If #Taliban abandon AQ, it will be because they want int legitimacy and all that comes with it. They have experienced the result of avoiding that choice. It's essential to reinforce the lesson" and @suhailshaheen1 likes this.
Worth noting
Omar, a #Pakistani citizen, was #killed along with six other AQIS members, most of them Pakistani. Among them was Raihan, Omar’s courier to Ayman #Al_Zawahiri. They had been embedded inside the Taliban compound in the #Taliban stronghold of Musa Qala, #NDS added. @AfghanistanTime
#Taliban spokesman @Zabehulah_M33 rejected #NDS claim that the #AlQaeda leader for the Indian subcontinent is killed in Musa Qala, saying that "such claims are used to conceal the crime (of civilian killings) the NDS perpetrated."
best clarification on the issue of the #Taliban - #AlQaeda relations and the peace negotiations ( #thread):
The Turkistan Islamic Party ( #TIP), a largely Uighur jihadist group that is affiliated with #alQaeda and also operates in Syria, released a new video showcasing it’s men fighting in #Afghanistan.
However, #Taliban spokesman @Zabehulah_M33 claims that reports published about #AlQaeda affiliated #Uighur fighters presence in #Afghanistan are "untrue"
#MoD confirms presence of #TIP

“This group is activated in #Afghanistan; it cannot be a security threat for us. The Afghan National Defense and Security Forces have inflicted heavy casualties on the group’s fighters." 
. @BRRubin in an interview in 2015: "A major mistake we made was treating the #Taliban the same as #alQaeda. Key Taliban leaders were interested in giving the new system a chance, but we didn't give them a chance."
Afghanistan’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Adela Raz talked about the presence of #Alqaeda and #ISIS in #Afghanistan and accused the #Taliban of facilitating terrorist groups to remain active in the country.
According to the Jan 20 #UN report, relations between #alQaeda and the #Taliban "continue to be close and mutually beneficial, with Al-Qaida supplying resources and training in exchange for protection."
⚠️" #AlQaida is concerned about the current focus of #Taliban leadership on #peacetalks. AQ reps undertook shuttle diplomacy,persuading various factions of Taliban&field commanders not to support negotiations with govt&promising 2increase financial support"
⚠️⚠️" #CentralAsia'n groups, experiencing financial problems, tend to support #AlQaida. If a #peaceagreement is reached, Al-Qaida intends to develop a new narrative to justify continuing the armed conflict in #Afghanistan.": #UN report
"We are aware of concerns about the potential of #AFG being used by disruptive groups to threaten regional&world security. But these concerns are inflated: Reports about foreign groups are politically motivated exaggerations by the warmongering players" 
"It is not in the interest of any Afghan to allow such groups to hijack our country&turn it into a battleground. We will take all measures in partnership w/other Afghans 2make sure new AFG is a bastion of stability&that nobody feels threatened on our soil" 
" #AlQaeda's senior leadership has released a statement celebrating the #Taliban's 'victory' in #Afghanistan, after the U.S. agreed to a withdrawal deal on Feb. 29."
“I welcome #Taliban’s statement denouncing #Daesh & committing to stop any attempts by Daesh to recruit,fundraise, or train inside AFG. These mirror Taliban’s public commitments against #AlQaeda and all other groups that threaten #US or its allies" (Mar16)
. @SecPompeo said that #US had told #Taliban to break with #alQaeda:

"It’s not about some statement, not about some agreement. It’s about actual actions on the ground that deliver us the confidence that we have the right force posture to keep America safe"
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