Long read on how the Saudi Airforce is completely dependent on British support - as it targets civilian infrastructure, schools, bridges, food storage, mosques, weddings, buses, roads, power generators necessary to prevent the spread of cholera.

This is nazi-era total war.
It's the world's single worst humanitarian crisis.

It's a war on the existence of the people of Yemen.

It's genocide.

It's happening right now.
‘The Saudis couldn’t do it without us’: the UK’s true role in Yemen’s deadly war

Here's another article looking at data around Saudi air strikes, and how they reveal an attack on Yemen's ability to sustain human life.

http://yemendataproject.org/  while Saudi Arabia routinely denies access to both aid and journalists, the Yemeni genocide is well documented and recorded. There can be no space for denial of this crime.
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