Christians CANNOT use Critical Race Theory, even as a "tool". CRT is an anti-Christian religious lens. Just as we would not use porn as a "tool" for examining sexuality, or "German higher criticism" as a "tool" for examining biblical texts, we cannot use CRT which assumes: (1/3)
1) legal cases should be decided according to group identity instead of equality before the law, 2) that biblical hierarchy is oppressive, 3) that children should pay for the sins of their parents, and 4) that it is morally imperative to decenter majority cultures. (2/3)
The Bible is clear: Ex. 23:3 (equality before the law) Eph. 5:22-6:9 (hierarchy) Deut. 24:16 (personal responsibility) Deut. 15:15 (foreigners held to Israel's standards). You won't find ANY of CRT's root assumptions in Scripture. We do not "plunder" the Egyptians garbage. (3/3)
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