"Lucky idiot" - that's how I'd describe myself, whenever someone would ask how did I manage to fall in love and find someone like Shradhya in my life?

Anyway, here's a thread on our journey together, right from before we met.

Spoiler alert: Long threads.
A bit of background, folks.

I'd been single since I guess two years now, with horrible nasty breakups and multiple situationships over the course of time. It had taken its toll on me - had completely lost faith in the idea of falling in love.
I was on every dating app and life was, to put it simply - colourful. I was going places, meeting people, coming back home, loving this life alone, meanwhile being apologetic towards everyone and everything. I had spread myself thin, I was clocking out.
You know the thing that kicks in when someone has developed feelings for you but in reality they had just fallen in love with the idea of "you"? That was me. I wasn't being genuine. I didn't know who was trying to game me or trying to fit me in their narrative.
In Dec, I decide to end this year on a high - and eventually sort myself. Literally sat down and listed everything about everyone in my life - whether they were negative or not. If they were being one (pulling me down), I'd let them go; no matter who they are/were.
Come 2019, it was really something. Bullying intensified when I shook them off - to the point that in January, I had my back to the wall. I had decided to call it quits on social media --> https://twitter.com/Aurgho_/status/1089951939633270784
February rolled in. It was the 3rd. A rather gloomy day at work and at 7pm, I had decided to go home. It was my running day so I was really looking forward to it. Booked an Uber pool and called my mum to check on her day so far.
Right after I was done with the call, the person who was co-pooling, sitting in the front seat, and turned around and asked whether I am a Bengali. "Yes", I answered. She apologized saying she doesn't generally do this ...
and living away from family and Calcutta and having noone to talk to in Bengali had made her ask the question. I got sad, considering I was literally in her place, 5 years back. I gave her my number and told her that she now had a friend - someone whom she'd trust.
She texted me later that night, and I told her about all the bengali people I know - Pri, the Bengali association with the lovely people there, more friends whom I'd introduce to her for her to feel at home. She was esctatic! I had made a friend along the way too.
The next day, I dropped her a text at night, right before I was about to crash - telling her about the upcoming Saraswati Puja at the Bengali association in Gurgaon the following week, and whether she'd wanna join in.
Conversations veered to her love of Sarees and her confusion on what to wear on that day. I asked her ideas on gifting my sister something - it was her birthday day after tomorrow.

"Oh", she said. It was her birthday t o m o r r o w.

Wait. WHAT? In <30 mins? Yes, she said.
I looked at the clock and it was 25 minutes to midnight, she lives about 3kms away. I could make this happen. Asked her whether she'd be up for it. If she said yes, I'd have called my friends over (they're all up at this hour so) and that'd be...something.
By that time, couple of her ex-colleagues showed up with a cake and surprised her. I was happy, atleast it won't be a birthday spent alone. She invited me to have lunch with her next day, near where we work - at Cyber Hub.
On the 5th, I finally got to hear about her story properly. Her full name, her parents, her dog, her Kolkata days, her love for the city, her friends, her goals, her hatred of Facebook, of online bullying.

It was something fresh.
I mean, here I was, in a life that's messed up to the letter, hearing someone's life which has been completely black and white. I was glad I had finally a chance to start afresh - a clean friendship.

"She must have someone longing for her" - I thought, brushing it aside.
We didn't meet until the 10th, on the morning of Saraswati Puja. She texted me photos of what'd be the saree she was going to wear. I told her to arrive early in the morning, as the puja was going to be begin at 7am.

She looked beautiful that day.
We spent the entire day having a gala time. Post the Puja ending, I invited her to my place to watch Antaheen, a movie she hadn't watched yet, which we were discussing at the Puja.

She asked me to click a couple of photos of hers in saree to send to her mum and I obliged.
Tasted her chai for the first time ever. Mind = Blown. =)
Over the next 2-3 weeks, we met on and off for chai post-working hours. It was mad fun with her. The hate mails stopped having their effect, I was generally happy. I was crushing on her mad. https://twitter.com/Aurgho_/status/1096106653106229250
On the 12th, while talking to her, I told her how I met a lot of people through Tinder, people who became good friends later on. She confessed she had never been on a date, ever. https://twitter.com/Aurgho_/status/1097803704156254208
Post-work one day, I asked her to get ready. I was taking her out on a date. It was uncanny of me, but I was somehow sure about this. What followed was a night of laughter, fun and songs. She got all dressed up and super happy. The first time I saw her wearing a western outfit.
This wasn't a crush anymore
I genuinely wanted to have her in my life.
I confessed. Her eyes were happy. She said something that'd be stuck with me for long.

"I was looking for a friend for life and I think I've found him - you." https://twitter.com/Aurgho_/status/1098128910137655296
Over the next month, we went on random dates, food walks and cooking marathons. She found a love in my pot brownies and I loved the way she made paesh. https://twitter.com/Aurgho_/status/1108781765467037706
Weekends, for the rest of my life - sorted. https://twitter.com/Aurgho_/status/1108815543988035585
I got myself a new phone and to celebrate, she agreed to be my muse for the last time on my old phone. https://twitter.com/Aurgho_/status/1108994582686126080
Everytime I watched her get ready for work, I'd fall in love harder. https://twitter.com/Aurgho_/status/1109173810798972928
She had fallen in love with Nemo and Bella, and clearly they love her madly. https://twitter.com/Aurgho_/status/1109520288688078853
Couldn't have asked for a better Sunday morning. https://twitter.com/Aurgho_/status/1109748577797132288
I had a performance coming up later that week. She was there to cheer me on. https://twitter.com/Aurgho_/status/1109869961827241985
The goofball and her love of sarees. https://twitter.com/Aurgho_/status/1109871327362646016
More chai dates, more happiness. https://twitter.com/Aurgho_/status/1110566756706328577
Decided to bring out some really nasty skeletons, something that a lot of people advised me against. She heard me, said she didn't care as long as they were in the past. We grew stronger together. https://twitter.com/Aurgho_/status/1110784938356469760
I was in this ever beautiful ride of being more and more sure about myself, as a guy who can make someone happy. https://twitter.com/Aurgho_/status/1110857146143567872
April rolled in. Amidst everything, I fell sick for the first time in a long time. She was there.
Decided to take her out on a date to thank her. https://twitter.com/Aurgho_/status/1112426221655244801
One of my closest sister came all the way down from Noida to meet her. They hit it off like crazy. https://twitter.com/Aurgho_/status/1112605547591811072
We made a pact to visit every Garden Cafe in Delhi. This was the first - https://twitter.com/Aurgho_/status/1113128115230949379
Our neighbor got a puppy. His neighbour was the happiest. =D https://twitter.com/Aurgho_/status/1114497503599132679
The little things you do for love. https://twitter.com/Aurgho_/status/1114498046069477376
Found the hidden Jenga genie in my home. https://twitter.com/Aurgho_/status/1114945758162292736
As days began getting hotter, we stopped meeting post lunch but met a little early. Couldn't wait to finish work. The last post-lunch at work photograph of hers. https://twitter.com/Aurgho_/status/1115230028567076869
The day we introduced us to each other's family. https://twitter.com/Aurgho_/status/1115585445780512769
Our conversations always veered to her City, Kolkata and how she'd love to go back home soon and make me meet her parents. Meanwhile, I gaver her a surprise by taking her to CR park and letting her loose. https://twitter.com/Aurgho_/status/1116360583140532224
More Concerts together. She was as much into Ghazals as I was into Indian classical music and we sorta aligned there as well. Lucky. https://twitter.com/Aurgho_/status/1117098268515762178
She looked beautiful that night. https://twitter.com/Aurgho_/status/1117099576731820032
The bengali new year rolled in and someone was ready to slay. https://twitter.com/Aurgho_/status/1117492157869379585
It's a dog? She loves it already. https://twitter.com/Aurgho_/status/1125077490987192321
We went public to our friends on Facebook. Really, till then, only you guys from Twitter and our families knew 'bout it. https://twitter.com/Aurgho_/status/1128275728359804931
Weekends were spent with friends and pot brownies and gazing into each other for hours without uttering a word. https://twitter.com/Aurgho_/status/1128950203153670144
On her birthday, I had taken her out on Lunch. On my birthday, she took me out for Dinner. https://twitter.com/Aurgho_/status/1129071511233474560
Started documenting our evening walks. https://twitter.com/Aurgho_/status/1130479366427643904
Then you guys helped me choose that perfect shade for her.

You guys = the best. https://twitter.com/Aurgho_/status/1131240055622721536
Have you seen someone fall in love with your playlists? That. https://twitter.com/Aurgho_/status/1132315996998340608
Even though she comes over on most days, we still meet for chai everyday after work. https://twitter.com/Aurgho_/status/1133047048876351488
Sunsets will never be dull again. https://twitter.com/Aurgho_/status/1133370000008306689
Thanking the universe every single day. https://twitter.com/Aurgho_/status/1133724762318917633
Made her meet my Delhi friends last week, over Iftaar. They couldn't believe we met in an Uber pool =D

We don't go to fancy places - just places with meaning. Her love for birds, for example. https://twitter.com/Aurgho_/status/1136295257140686848
From Feb to June, it's been a beautiful life, we are constantly becoming better with each other and I cannot wait to see where this road goes.

Thank you for reading this story so far. I will update this thread, going forward. =)
You guys!

@Uber's social media team = MVPs!

They sent her a saree and a pen for me. The lovely handwritten letter is going to be the wind beneath our wings for years to come. Thank you all for sharing this lovely story of mine.

Day, regardless to say, is made.

You can follow @Aurgho_.
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