The #AltRight has often referred to themselves as modern Knights Templar, carrying shields and wielding flag sticks at protests, which is funny because their cause is aligned exactly with Opus Dei, not the opposition #PrioryofSion, who were the real (Pagan) Knights Templar.
The GOP are romanticizing their own decline. Sorry, I just history geeked-out a little bit but it's important to point out the outright lies of the radicalized. The mis/disinfo are off the charts so I like to correct large historical inconsistencies like that. #HistoryMatters
You have to understand how scared the GOP has been. We elected an African-American twice and the world rightfully loves him. He was an excellent president. Then Dems were going to win on the heels of Obama w/a WOMAN? The GOP read the memo that life will go on w/o them and they
went so far as to take a hostile foreign nation's help in securing political wins just to maintain power longer, possibly forever. The sheer panic we're seeing now is because the GOP hasn't finished the job of stacking the courts sufficiently enough to block the truth from being
disclosed. And the truth is this: an entire political party has been cheating sloppily and the GOP pissed off a sleeping giant by installing Trump, so citizens started exposing all we've let politicians get away with for decades. Because we the people can uncover GOP secrets
just as well as Russia, China, and Saudi Arabia. And the religious right has been working toward this for a long time. Billions of dollars invested. Why? More and more people have evolved into "liberal thinkers" and those two words scare the shit out of people who base their
entire livelihoods on a religion they can't prove anything about. Religion is an *emotional* reaction to the Bible and some people can not separate their religious emotions from what they want their govt to do, which is to outlaw what they deem immoral, not illegal.
It's not to protect citizens. And it's not progressive in any way. It's totally regressive. To a different century actually. White GOP men want to go back to an America our founders lived in. Literally. Between the toxic masculinity and projected purity of Republican white men,
the GOP are some pedophile bastards that love to pocket money that isn't theirs for doing nothing useful for the greater population on earth except make shady deals with criminal countries for weapons to maintain the lifestyle their corruption has afforded them. Opus Dei feeds
on wealthy, corrupt #Christians. Especially in politics. The only way to inject religion into govt is for religious people to work in politics. Opus Dei does that extremely well and with great secrecy. And their goals are *exactly* aligned with the GOP, who is aligned w/Russia,
Saudi Arabia, China, and North Korea presently. That means if we have WWIII America is on the wrong side. We are aligned with nations trying to consolidate power illegally. #OpusDei is one of the main enablers of such consolidations, yet people have never heard of them.
Opus Dei is a huge part of US politics right now because they always have been. #TheMoreYouKnow #Resistance
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