Hooray! Giles Coren has decided to become an anti-racism warrior. Thanks for your piece in response to John Cleese's obviously racist, xenophobic, far right tweet. What would minority groups do without you to defend us, our great champion? (Thread...)
In case you forgot, Giles Coren wrote a review in September 2018 of Chinese restaurant Kaki, London. He decided mocking the staff who work there was an endearingly humourous way to begin a review. I don't know anyone of Chinese origin who has ever said anything like "taka bokka".
Giles Coren's racism against east Asians, specifically Chinese people is amply in this unpleasant and insensitive tweet. Why would anyone's response to a country sending their first female astronaut into space be this one?
Next we have some more so called humour from Giles Coren. The tired, predictable jokes about dog meat. If he'd bothered looking into it, dog meat isn't eaten across China and is falling out of favour. But still, the japes, right?
Then we have this gem from Giles "I'm not a racist" Coren... I've not heard anyone use the phrase "Chinky" (cringe!) since the 1980s. And even then, people knew it wasn't actually acceptable.
Read Giles Coren's contemptuous tone on the exploitation of the food of minority groups by big business. He has zero awareness or regard for the cultural insensitivity and disrespect involved.
May 2014. Not only does Giles Coren admit to being racist, but his remark that Camden has a "total absence of Englishness" is drawing from the "great replacement" rhetoric of the far right. In a food column.
But please, don't judge poor Giles Coren too harshly! He's a sensitive soul... he thinks criticism of him is as bad as racist abuse. Sure, Giles. Anything you say. 🙄
As @demarionunn has said, it is unacceptable for Giles Coren to write horrible racist content under the guise of irony, particularly given his past record. Yesterday's Times piece should never have seen the light of day.
Giles Coren just can't help himself. Now the racist suggestion that Harry would, on behalf of his mixed race wife, Meghan Markle, see a PRIMATOLOGIST about family planning. How did an editor ever let this through? https://www.thetimes.co.uk/edition/comment/the-real-reason-harry-and-meghan-duke-duchess-sussex-will-stop-at-two-children-archie-38722f3nd
Giles Coren isn't just a racist and racism apologist, it would appear. He's a domestic violence apologist, too. I'll remind everyone Geoffrey Boycott's conviction was for punching his partner in the face 20 times.
Giles Coren is now trying to argue "blackface" isn't racist. There's obviously no excuse for Trudeau's fancy dress escapades. But Giles, seriously, this?!
Giles Coren does some more racism and Islamophobia in this tweet in response to Pizza Express' financial troubles. Why it is necessary when commenting on pizza chains?
Giles Coren wrote a homophobic comment in his end of year piece in The Times. When called out for it, he pretended he did not realise the person he had attacked was gay. Despite being a well known political commentator, author and Twitter personality. Forgive me my scepticism.
Giles Coren deleted his account following this exchange. He thought gaslighting a BAME person was a good idea at first, then rapidly changed his mind.
Giles Coren's book Anger Management For Beginners contains this unbelievable rant about Indian food. By all means, Giles, enjoy Chinese food. But your suggestion Indian restaurants serve off meat is deeply offensive and inaccurate.
Giles Coren's dog whistle racism is displayed in this review of a restaurant in Peckham. Complete with knife crime so-called jokes. I take the "murder train" to work, it's always pretty civilised, actually.
Then there was the alternative Twitter account Giles Coren had, which he used to post anti-Semitic abuse.
28 Nov 2020, Giles Coren makes anti-French comments and generally writes xenophobic and jingoistic twaddle. This time about Coronavirus and dealing with the pandemic. H/T @brokenbottleboy for spotting this.
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